Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Did I Tell You?

Yes, this confirms what the same-sex marriage amendment debate in Indiana is all about to some. From Eric Miller's latest e-mail:

It’s time to protect marriage between one man and one woman! Eric Miller and Advance America have been in the forefront of the battle to protect marriage in Indiana. Eric participated in a State House Press Conference on Monday, January 12, 2009 where the effort to pass the Marriage Protection Amendment was announced . . .

Advance America is able to continue to be the eyes and ears for the families and churches of Indiana because of the financial support of individuals, businesses and churches. Your tax deductible contribution will help us continue to let you know what is going on at your State House. Your contribution of $35, $50 or $100 would be a big help!

Notice that he tells contributors they will receive a tax-deductible contribution because his organization is a 501(c)(3) organization. Why does the IRS continue to allow him to maintain tax-exempt status for his organization when they are largely devoted to lobbying efforts at the State House?


  1. I suspect this will be DOA, as the G.Assembly does not have the stomach for it this year.

  2. Miller knows this will not will a tremendous fundraiser for him.
