Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Bayh Backs Panetta For CIA Director

Some Democrats and intelligence experts are expressing displeasure with Barack Obama's decision to nominate former congressman and Clinton White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta for the critical CIA post because he has no prior intelligence experience (neither does Obama). The incoming chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Diane Feinstein (D-CA), immediately expressed reservations about her fellow Californian and complained that Obama had not consulted her prior to making his decision. Feinstein accepted an apology from Obama today for the gross oversight.

Sen. Evan Bayh, also a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, predictably announced his support for the political appointee. Calling Panetta "an outstanding public servant", Bayh said, “We should respect the judgment of President-elect Obama and his commitment to do what’s right for our country.” Perhaps Bayh believes that Panetta's acumen for managing the Monica Lewinsky (she worked in his office) and foreign contribution scandals during the Clinton administration is perfect training for the top intelligence post. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin must be having a good laugh about this Obama choice.


  1. Heck we have a president with no relevant experience, why not a CIA director without relevant experience?

    The president can and likely will make equally-poor decisions with or without good intel from the CIA.

  2. Compared to this administration's job in intelligence (who's head has very low intelligence), we can only go up.

  3. But aren't you upset, Paul, that Poppy Bush's old CIA hand, Robert Gates, is still going to be in charge of Defense?

  4. Not at all. I think it was a good move. Some consistency in Defense in the midst of two wars is a good thing. I expected Gates would be one of the Republicans that Obama referred to when he said he'd have GOPers in his cabinet.

    Interestingly, Gates was the only career officer in the CIA's history to rise from entry-level employee to Director. Only two CIA directors in the past three decades have held senior intelligence posts prior to appointment.

  5. Leon Panetta given classified material?????

    Just TAX & SPEND us to the grave, especially follow the lead of New York's Gov to tax soda pop at 18%, send the country home without a job & drop nukes around the world. It's all the same Democrat philosophy!

  6. I'm pleased that the President-elect has chosen a manager from outside the old guard.

    The CIA needs a fresh outlook and a better liaison with the Oval Office.

  7. Paul, I highly recommend you read Russ Baker's "Family of Secrets" if you haven't already. It might change your view.

  8. I'm waiting for Obama to announce Monica Lewinsky as his "personal aide."

  9. I thought the messiah was bringing change to washington from the outside. His selections so far are recycled Clintonistas. I think we can look forward to an islamofascist attack on our soil this year since the new pres and cia chief want to respect the dignity of all detainees.

  10. Indy4u2c..it is republican president George Bush who has run up a trillion dollar plus deficit this year......no republican can blame the Dems for that......

  11. "it is republican president George Bush who has run up a trillion dollar plus deficit this year......no republican can blame the Dems for that......

    Actually, the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress the past two years. The Congress has the power to appropriate public spending and authorize deficit spending, and the Democratic-controlled Congress authorized a lot of spending and huge deficits.

  12. The Bush administration and a Congress controlled by Republicans took the budget from a $236 billion SURPLUS in 2000 to the largest deficit in US history.

    Even the TRILLION dollar deficit reached this year is understated, as the Bush administration did not include the full cost of the Iraq war. Republican administrations of the past 30 years are notable for their deficit spending. Art got it right.
