Sunday, November 23, 2008

Bring Back The WPA

President-elect Barack Obama announced yesterday a several hundred billion dollar spending plan to create or save 2.5 million jobs over the next two years "by spending billions of dollars to rebuild roads and bridges, modernize public schools, and construct wind farms and other alternative sources of energy." Notice the use of the word "save" in addition to "create." That way if the American economy sheds 2 or 3 million jobs over the next couple of years, Obama can claim he saved a similar amount of jobs by spending billions of dollars our federal government doesn't have to spend. And all that national debt we've already piled up becomes even bigger simply because of the deflation our country is currently experiencing.


  1. I take it you would have endorsed Hoover in 1932?

  2. Those billions of dollars of debt were doubled during the last 8 years of Bush/Cheney....this happened much before the deflation and current economic crisis arose. Bush had horrible deficits during the good times also.

  3. Last time I checked, Congress and not the President is responsible for deciding whether to spend taxpayer money.

  4. Didn't you hear, Paul? The One has spoken and Democratic leaders have assured him his plan will be on his desk ready to sign by the time he is sworn into office on January 20.
