Sunday, September 28, 2008

Three Indiana Firms Top Corporate Equality Index

The Human Rights Campaign has developed a Corporate Equality Index which rates employers on their policies pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity. The Star's Dana Hunsinger notes that three Indiana employers scored a 100%. They are Baker & Daniels, Cummins and Eli Lilly. Baker & Daniels is the only Indiana law firm to achieve a 100% rating. Hunsinger explains the index:

To earn a score of 100, companies had to go above and beyond, offering not only domestic partner benefits, but policies barring discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Companies on the list offer affinity groups and diversity training that covers sexual orientation and gender identity. They also have supportive gender transition guidelines. Some companies even pay for hormone replacement and surgery for transgender employees.

Inclusive policies by employers is recognized as a way of attracting better talent according to Elizabeth Stahl, a human resources consultant. "Companies want to cast a wide net," said Stahl. "The more inclusive an organization can be, the greater its ability to attract talented individuals, and it really doesn't matter their gender or sexual preference." Hunsinger notes that Indiana has a reputation of being slow when it comes to tolerance and inclusion. Indiana was, however, the first state in the nation where some of the state's most prominent employers lobbied the state legislature to oppose a constitutional amendment to ban recognition of same-sex marriage and domestic partner benefits for unmarried couples.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gary, how do they do in hiring individuals with disabilities?
