Saturday, August 23, 2008

Joe Biden Saturday Morning Humor

Everyone has a Joe Biden gaffe or two to share it seems. I wanted to share a couple with you which are particularly entertaining. There's the Michael Scott moment in Biden's recent presidential campaign where he tells an Indian-American supporter about how Indian-Americans are the fastest growing population group in his home state of Delaware. "You can't go into a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent," Biden declared to the shocked supporter. Check out the video posted by Zach Wendling here. In a favorite YouTube moment, Biden is captured on video singing the jingle from that commercial promoting the Villages retirement community in Florida. I thought they only ran those ads in Indiana. Not funny, but equally as telling, is Joe Biden declaring that John McCain would make a great president. I have to think Jen Wagner was pinching herself when she wrote on her blog this morning that "Joe Biden is a good selection."


  1. After 7 years of Vice-President Dick Cheney, almost anybody would be better - even Jen Wagner or Gary Welsh!

  2. I think all those comments by him show how much of a typical American he is. Makes him a real person to the average voter. As I said before, he is feisty. I thought is was a great choice!
