Friday, August 29, 2008

Is It Sarah Palin?

The late buzz is that Sen. John McCain may have chosen Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his vice presidential choice. Gov. Mitt Romney and Gov. Tim Pawlenty have been eliminated according to Fox News. A mystery flight which landed in Dayton last night carrying a woman and her two sons has fueled the speculation. The Drudge Report is suggesting as much. The choice could help McCain attract the votes of many dissolusioned female voters who supported Sen. Hillary Clinton's historic presidential bid. Maybe not. ABC News says Palin is in Alaska today with plans to attend the state fair. Damn, Drudge botches both vice presidential picks.

UPDATE: No, ABC is wrong. It is Palin.


  1. Hardcore opposed to "homosexual marriage".

  2. Sarah Palin would be, hands down, the best choice.

    This would put Obama away.

    Let's hope it's true.

  3. Drudge had Bayh pegged to be Obama's Veep, so I'm not believing it until I see it. I think (correct me if I'm wrong) this would mark the first time an Alaskan elected official is a VP or Presidential candidate...that's pretty cool.

    Your buddy Obama is opposed to gay marriage too, Wilson. Guess principles only go skin-deep, eh?

  4. I think it would be hard for McCain to attack Obama's experience when Palin hasn't even been governor of one of the smallest states in the nation for even two years yet. After all, McCain would be saying she is qualified to be president. Right?

    Not to mention she has a corruption probe underway right now. But she is young and pretty and unknown!

  5. Eric Miller and Jim Bopp are ecstatic -- she's one of their own!

  6. Vox,

    Palin is running for VP not President. Big difference. Palin is an excellent choice. Picking another white male would have been a mistake.

  7. It didn't take long for the Daily Kooks to weigh in on McCain's pick I see.

    Unlike Barry, she's a proven reformer and taken on the corruption in her own party. And she defeated the incumbent governor in the primary and ex-governor in the general.

    Let's see, Barry gets his Democrat opponents disqualified and ran for the Senate against Alan Keyes.

    I'm willing to bet she's not hanging out with like Bill Ayers.

    And I'm assuming since she gave birth to a baby with disabilities, determining when life begins isn't above her pay grade.

  8. Well she's from the state that contains ANWR, so that's interesting, too.

  9. She is supposed to be ready to step in the president's office if something happens to McCain. She has had difficulty running a small state and no foreign relations experience.

  10. John McObvious. "We got those women now"

  11. "She is supposed to be ready to step in the president's office if something happens to McCain. She has had difficulty running a small state and no foreign relations experience.''

    Allow me to paraphrase.

    He is supposed to be ready to step in the president's office. He has had difficulty doing anything meaningful in Congress and has no foreign relations experience.

    Pot, meet kettle.....

  12. Mackenzie,

    A president should choose a Vice President whom they feel is ready to be president. That's the only real job of the VP, to step in if the president dies or is incapacitated.

    For 8 months McCain has said Obama's 4 years in the Senate and 8 years in Illinois state government isn't enough to be president. But Palin, who has been governor of one of the smallest states for less than two years and mayor of a town of 6,000 before that, is ready to lead? Give me a break.

    McCain just took "experience" off the table.
