Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bloomberg Hits Bayh On Conflicts

Bloomberg News tackles the financial conflicts of interest that Sen. Evan Bayh and his wife, Susan, have created for themselves, a topic which seems to be off limits for most of the mainstream media. The story hits the power couple for Susan's work as a director on seven different corporate boards, pulling in close to a $1 million a year for the couple. The story also hits Bayh's relationship with Emmis Communications, which is run by long-time Bayh supporter and political contributor, Jeff Smulyan. Susan sits on Emmis' board. Bloomberg reports on the losing book deal with Bayh:

Emmis lost money on Evan Bayh's 2003 autobiography, ``From Father to Son: A Private Life in the Public Eye,'' company spokeswoman Kate Snedeker said. Bayh gave the $4,105 of book royalties to the Evan and Susan Bayh Family Foundation.

The book deal creates the appearance of ``a favor being done for the candidate by the company that his wife is on the board of,'' Buzenberg said.

Smulyan said Emmis published the memoir with expectation of making a profit. Kleiman, Bayh's spokesman, said the deal involved ``a standard book contract that was approved by the Senate Ethics Committee.''


  1. when are you going to write about the numerous conflicts and dealings of Cindy McCain?

  2. Hey Art...got an idea for you. Why don't you start a blog and write about the conflicts of John McCain's wife, Cindy? I'll read it. Heck, I might even link you! Sounds like you might teach us a thing or too.

    And if you don't want to start a blog, there's a good chance, I'll publish it for you over at HFFT if you send it to us.

  3. No need to do that blog, HFFT, everyone knows but the MSM just keeps protecting McCain.

  4. Well, if you would only watch Fox News, you would have heard all of the wrinkles and warts of John and Cindy McCain tonight. Their report was blistering. They used kid gloves on Obama in his feauture last night compared to the hit job they did on McCain tonight. This poses a problem for all the liberal blogs, who like to call it Faux News. They risk citing the material and giving Fox News credibility among their liberal readers, or they simply ignore it and pretend Fox isn't fair and balanced.
