Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bayh Proves What A Phony He Is Tonight

The campaign of Sen. John McCain was quick to point up tonight the hypocrisy in the speech Sen. Evan Bayh delivered at the Democratic National Convention. Bayh knocked McCain's support of the War in Iraq. McCain's campaign responds with the following:

Senator Evan Bayh took to the stage in Denver tonight and had the audacity to say of John McCain and George Bush that “our brave soldiers were killed because of their reckless incompetence” in managing the War in Iraq. There has been no harsher critic of the conduct of that war than John McCain, who advocated tirelessly for the surge strategy that sparked a dramatic decline in violence, decimated al Qaeda, and put victory within reach. Though he didn’t mention it tonight, Senator Bayh, like Joe Biden, supported the Iraq war, but as soon as their support became a political liability, both looked after their own political interests.

“Our brave soldiers were killed by a ruthless enemy in Iraq, and if Senators Bayh, Biden, and Obama had had their way, we would have left Iraq in defeat. In contrast, John McCain had the courage to put his country before his own political ambitions.”—Ben Porritt, Spokesman McCain 2008

Bayh Voted For Authorizing The Use Of Force Against Iraq. "Passage of the joint resolution that would authorize the use of force against Iraq and require the administration to report to Congress that diplomatic options have been exhausted before, or within 48 hours after military action has begun. The president also would be required to submit a progress report to Congress at least every 60 days." (H.J. Res. 114, CQ Vote #237: Passed 77-23: R 48-1; D 29-21; I 0-1, 10/11/02, Bayh Voted Yea)

Bayh Took Credit For Being "One Of The Principal Sponsors Of The Iraq [War] Resolution." Hannity: "Is your party week on defense issues?" Bayh: "Well, Sean, let me remind you I was one of the principal sponsors of the Iraq resolution along with
Senator Lieberman..." (Fox News' "Hannity And Colmes," 11/14/02)

Bayh: "The Only Way To Remove Saddam, I Think, Was Through The Use Of Force." (Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes," 1/20/04) Barack Obama Said That Once We Made A Commitment In Iraq "We Have To Finish The Job, We Owe It Not Only To The Troops Who Sacrificed Their Lives, But Also The Iraqi People." "Obama continued, 'All of us assume that when we make that commitment, that we have to finish the job, we owe it not only to the troops who sacrificed their lives, but also the Iraqi people.'" (Jake Tapper, "Obama In Never-Before-Aired 'Nightline' Interview From 2004: Praises John Kerry's Experience, Disses 'Cut And Run' Proposals From Iraq," ABC News' "Political Punch" Blog,, Posted 8/27/08)

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