Monday, July 07, 2008

Twelve Killings In Thirteen Days

The recent killing spree in Indianapolis continues unabated. There have now been 12 slayings in the last 13 days, bringing to 63 the total number of homicides to date this year.


  1. Stricter Gun Control! At least 49 out of the 63 murders were committed with a firearm. We all know fire arms can't give hugs! 2 incidents were police shootings and 1 was a police tasering. It's nice to see that good old fashioned knives still come in a strong 2nd ahead of blunt force and beating. There was 1 medical murder and several with unknown causes.

  2. Anonymous2:17 AM GMT-5

    Map of 2008 Homicides:

    Didn't know that existed until about 20 minutes ago... Very interesting, looking at the red dots on the map.

    Just thought I'd share, incase others hadnt seen it...


  3. Like I said earlier, with the economy in a tailspin expect to see this every other day at least. Really too bad that people resolve their problems by killing.

  4. This surely isn't a republican or democrat issue, its a people issue though and we are losing this battle. Last evening I journied to our local walmart for some little household and personal items to find the place awash in young people walking aimlessly to and fro all over the place as if they had nothing in life better to do but stroll the isles at walmart. It was 10 pm and i thought then, where are these people during the daytime? do they work? why are they are walmart doing nothing at 10 pm? we have a society that is crumbling apart for lack of motivation to accomplish. sad shame.

  5. The increase in murder is the result of a soft prosecutor and liberal judges.

    Look at the ankles of people in public, and you will see how very many of the criminals that should be in prison are on the streets, continuing to victimize us.

    If we had a tough prosecutor and tough judges, it wouldn't get this far!

  6. I hear Obama is going to show up at Black Expo to speak to the people. That will surely stop the violence.

    Where are you during the daytime? Do you work? 10pm in July is not that late. It's barely dark out.I wonder what the young people were thinking of you being out so late...Were you buying geritol?

  7. Vox, we haven't had a single quarter of negative growth. So much for the economy being in a "tailspin."

    Electcvibe, I can't tell if you were being sarcastic. Obviously gun control doesn't keep guns out of the hands of people willing to break the gun laws.

  8. Missouridemocrat - It's not a democrat or republican thing? Really, really? That sure is freaking news to me. Last year every single thing that happened in Indy was the fault of one man - Bart Peterson and one party - the Democratic Party. A certain webpage kept a count of (and relished in) every murder and went to great lengths to pronounce the end of the city as we know it - remember the little Detroit comments? I'm not taking it out on you, perhaps you didn't partake in that blatant political posturing, but I just had to point out that if the murder rate was political in 2007, it sure as heck is political in 2008. I don't relish every murder, but I'll be darned if we don't compare apples to apples.

  9. The change in mayors/return of IMPD under the mayor's control sure stopped the violence on our streets, didn't it?

    Let's face it, politicians have nothing to do with BAD PEOPLE!

  10. One web site even frequently used a picture of a dead man lying on the floor.........we are only 4 murders below the rate of 2007 when this website and the other one that Abdul had was going ballistic over the horrible murder rate and it almost seemed like they thought Bart Peterson was pulling the trigger. Where is Mayor Ballard? What is he doing?

  11. Flynn, if you judge the strength of our economy on the sole basis of growth, you're missing the big picture. Unemployment is up, inflation is up, the dollar is down, consumer confidence is low, foreclosures are at a record high, bankruptcies are increasing, etc. etc. etc.

    But things are just wonderful because we didn't have negative growth. Thank the lord almighty for that.

  12. At a recent conference the DOC representaive said that somewhere around 80% in the DOC are from 4 zip codes in Indianapolis. Whomever says Marion County judges and prosecutors are soft on crime obviously have never had any real exposure to the system. The issue is an economic one and a societal one. If there is not a change at the youth level this will continue to occur. We spend way too much money throwing people in jail and not address the cause. Deputy prosecutors aren't allowed to make decisions and judges throw the book at people for fear of not getting reelected just because people think they might be soft on crime.

  13. True Conservative, I believe you are living in Liberal-land, not Indianapolis. We are the softest county on crime in the state. Far too many criminals are wearing ankle bracelets and continuing to victimize our families...instead of being "rehabilitated" (as liberals think).

    Wake up and smell the coffee, True Conservative! By the way, I have personally seen police with people in handcuffs wearing an ankle bracelet, and know of a person with an ankle bracelet who broke into a home and held a family hostage and called an accomplice to help him escape the police.....I know.

  14. Anonymous7:50 PM GMT-5

    Where is Mayor Ballard? What is he doing?

    Clearing out the criminals and thugs that Bart and Frank hired onto the police force.

    We spend way too much money throwing people in jail and not address the cause.

    How much money will it take? Do we really need to hike property taxes, income taxes, etc. anymore than they already are? Most of those kids from those four Indy zip codes are likely IPS students. They likely get free, or cheap, breakfest AND lunch. Their mommas are on various sorts of aid. They have the most spent on them per student than most schools. Yet they still end up in the same cycle. What do you want to do? Pay every babies momma $20K/year per bastard child? How about a bonus if the next child is from a different baby daddy? I mean we give free/reduced housing, food stamps, free/cheap school food, etc. etc.. Drive through some of the Section 8 ghettos in this city. See how the occupants live. I don't want to hear about landlords being the reason these places are trash. Almost all the windows will have the blinds busted up, that is an occupant issue. Tons of trash littered all over the place. So instead of sitting around watching the court shows, the talk shows, etc. maybe, just maybe some of these babies mommas could organize and pick up trash once a week? Just because "Da gubernmint" is paying the rent to someone else, why neglect your neighborhood like that? There is no excuse. Want to save the inner city poor youth, take them away from their parents.

  15. Spooknp: The point is clear...Stop giving Something for Nothing! We must stop the 'make-work, do-nothing jobs' of the Democrat Liberals and start with incarceration of deviants!

    The root is this: If they do the crime, they pay the price! (No Liberal-Left ankle braclets, probations, community-service....shoot, let the Mexican police teach us justice!)

  16. SPOOKNP, your post is so full of elitist and racist stereotypes that it is embarrassing.

  17. Anonymous7:01 AM GMT-5

    SPOOKNP, your post is so full of elitist and racist stereotypes that it is embarrassing.

    Such as?
