Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Scratch John Edwards From Obama's VP List

No sooner had Time confirmed that former Sen. John Edwards was on Obama's short list for vice president than the National Enquirer broke a story alleging that its reporters caught up with Edwards at the Beverly Hilton after he left a hotel room of a woman at 2:40 a.m. this morning who the tabloid claims gave birth to a child belonging to Edwards. According to the tabloid report, Edwards hid out in the hotel's basement bathroom until security arrived to help escort him out of the hotel after its reporters confronted him about his alleged meeting in the hotel room of Rielle Hunter and his supposed love child. Hunter once did filming work for Edwards' presidential campaign. Edwards wife, Elizabeth, is still being treated for cancer. Assuming Edwards had any chance of landing a spot on the ticket with Obama, this news will certainly wash it away.


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM GMT-5

    Gary, seriously, you're citing the National Enquirer? Didn't they once claim that the Bushes were getting divorced and that Hillary was a lesbian? Not your finest hour, Gary.

  2. Ignoring for a moment that this is from the National Enquirer ... WOW.

  3. Hillary isn't a lesbian?

  4. As I've said before, you can knock the National Enquirer and other tabloids all you want, but when it comes to political scandals, they're usually dead on. They broke Donna Rice/Gary Hart; Jennifer Flowers/Bill Clinton; and Dick Morris and his call girls, to name just a few.

  5. I don't think that Senator Edwards was going to be the choice, but it is pretty ridiculous to cite the National Enquirer as a credible news source. Heck, Fox News is slightly more credible than the Enquirer.

  6. And that awful Drudge Report is touting the story as well--just like it did when the Inquirer first broke the story last fall.

  7. The same libs on here saying the Enquirer can't be taken seriously were probably giddy when that same publication reported Limbaugh's drug problems.

    And Edwards' wife has terminal cancer. Edwards is a snake and has been proven to be a hypocrite time and time again.

  8. The difference between the Limbaugh story and the Edwards story is that mainstream media sources picked up the Limbaugh story, and Rush eventually admitted his addiction. I also think El Rushbo's arrogance had to do with the response.

    AI is correct that sometimes "tabloid" articles are shown to be true. The vast majority, though, seem to be poorly researched rumors that remain only in the National Enquirer. When I see it on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the New York Times, etc. then I will believe it.
