Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama Claims Victory

Not by the popular vote of the Democratic voters, but by the unelected superdelegates that are a part of the Democrat's crazy nominating process and by the Michigan delegates the DNC arbitrarily awarded to him, Sen. Barack Obama is able to claim a majority of the delegates needed to win his party's nomination. The popular vote belongs to Sen. Hillary Clinton, who despite deliberately false media reports to the contrary throughout the day aimed at dampening her unexpectedly strong showings in the South Dakota and Montana primaries, is not conceding the race to Obama just yet. Although Obama had expected to win both the South Dakota and Montana races, a surge of support for Clinton has allowed her to claim victory in South Dakota. Obama is expected to win Montana. After hearing Democrats complain for years about the fact that Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 over George W. Bush but was denied a win because of that undemocratic electoral college system, it's a delight watching them deny the winner of the popular vote their party's nomination because a group of unelected superdelegates think they know better than the people.

The general election race got an early start as Sen. John McCain and Sen. Obama squared off against each other in prime time speeches. The pundits are already declaring Obama the winner in this first round. McCain's speech just didn't measure up to Obama's high standards for oratorical flare they tell us. Obama backhanded McCain while appearing to honor his "heroic service" to his country. "I honor that service, and I respect his many accomplishments, even if he chooses to deny mine," Obama said. Am I missing something hear? Oh, here's what Obama equates to McCain's military service to his country:

Despite what the good Senator from Arizona said tonight, I have seen people of differing views and opinions find common cause many times during my two decades in public life, and I have brought many together myself. I've walked arm-in-arm with community leaders on the South Side of Chicago and watched tensions fade as black, white, and Latino fought together for good jobs and good schools.

Yeah, I have to agree with Obama. That Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan and Michael Pfleger really know how to heal racial tensions. These men are very thankful for all the federal and state grant money Obama has steered to the South Side for their self-enrichment. Obama has obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars in earmarks for programs run by Father Pfleger. Pfleger has generously donated thousands of dollars to Obama's campaigns. That couldn't be easy on the $9,000 annual pay a Catholic priest typically receives.


  1. Sorry, but Hillary's claim to lead the popular vote is bogus. It only adds up if you disenfranchise and disregard the votes of the caucus states.

  2. Yeah, and your number is bogus because you are attributing several hundred thousand votes in Michigan which were never cast for Obama.

  3. The Michigan "event" you refer to was not a sanctioned primary of the Democratic party and not even recognized. It was an exercise in futility since no one but the losing Clinton participated. As a lawyer, I am sure that you recognize the authority of the DNC or the RNC to make and follow the rules......

  4. For a party that loves to wax poetic about equality, it's pretty funny that the party's candidate isn't chosen by the people, but by party insiders. I mean, what if the great unwashed chose the _wrong_ candidate?

  5. Mind you, everyone wants to also ignore caucus turnout and votes. The candidate who truly one the legitimate popular vote is Obama.
