Monday, June 02, 2008

Note To Indiana Convention Center

One would think that the Indiana Convention Center would roll out the red carpet treatment for the Indiana Republican Convention today. Let's see, there was Gov. Daniels, Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman, Secretary of State Todd Rokita, Attorney General Steve Carter, State Treasurer Richard Mourdock, State Auditor Tim Berry, a couple dozen mayors, including Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard and several dozen state legislators among the more than 2,000 attendees, not to mention CIB Chairman Bob Grand. Nonetheless, the convention center managers didn't think the event was important enough to bother opening up any of the concession stations. That's right. There wasn't a single, freakin concession stand open for business today. With lunch on your own, it was like being stuck in the middle of a desert for the day. I guess it would have been asking too much to expect them to turn the air conditioning up a little so you didn't have to sweat the whole day. So much for Hoosier hospitality.


  1. Anonymous7:12 PM GMT-5

    Haha your party was too cheap to spring for concession stands during your convention.

  2. Even with the Minority Airport bunch there ?

    The Convention Center is hardly used at all, they pack a bunch of dinky things on the calendar to make it look busier.

    Conseco will hardly be used at all this summer - a dozen WNBA games and a couple concerts is all.

    The Hoosier Dome hosts 10 NFL games, a Kenn Chesney concert, and a wedding reception, from now thru yearend. Hardly seems worth having a stadium at all given the costs.

  3. Oh, no, roger61611...haven't you heard? The new Irsay Palace will make MILLIONS of dollars for this city!!

    The Indy Red Star Rag said so!!!

    And it will make us FEEL good!!!

  4. Those concession stands had damn well better be open for GenCon in August or there will be some very unhappy people--me included!

  5. Actually, there was a concession stand open in the very far back of the convention. I bought a $3 bottle of water that sells for $1 in the CCB.

  6. Glad you found it, judgenot. I looked all over and asked a security guard who said none of them were open.
