Sunday, June 22, 2008

Councilor Doris Minton-McNeil Arrested For Battery And Resisting Law Enforcement Officer

The woman Marion County Democrats recently appointed to take the place of Andre Carson on the City-County Council, Doris Minton-McNeil, has been arrested for battery and resisting arrest. The incident happened after police repsonded to a 911 call to her home about an alleged child abuser. WTHR has this breaking news report:

A City-County Council member was arrested for battery and resisting law enforcement Sunday evening.

Councilwoman Doris Minton-McNeill was arrested outside her home on Medford Avenue around 5:30 pm. Police were called to the home after a woman called 911 about a child abuser at her home that she wanted to leave. When officers arrived, Minton-McNeill confronted them in front of the house, stating the person was no longer there. She then charged one of the officers for an unknown reason and injured her wrist.

As officers were taking the woman into custody, she identified herself as the councilwoman. She was taken to jail for battery and resisting law enforcement. Officers also observed that Minton-McNeill had been drinking.

Minton-McNeill took the place of Andre Carson when he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in March.
A source tells Advance Indiana that Minton-McNeill was so intoxicated she urinated herself in the police cruiser while in route to the jail. Minton-McNeill became the third councilor for the 15th District in less than a year. Patrice Abduallah was forced to resign after Advance Indiana first reported he did not live in his council district. That resulted in the appointment of Andre Carson, who was elected to a full four-year term last November. Carson resigned the seat in March after he was elected to fill the unexpired term of his grandmother, the late U.S. Rep. Julia Carson.

UPDATE: Marion Co. GOP Chairman Tom John released a statement this evening calling for Minton-McNeil's resignation from the council. Here's his statement:

"We are deeply saddened that once again a Democrat member of the City-County Council has shown such public comtempt for law enforcement and disregard for the laws of our great city and the State of Indiana. The citizens of Indianapolis demand leaders who are servants of the law, not people who think they are above it. Doris Minton-McNeill should immediately resign her seat on the City-County Council. I also call upon Democrat leaders such as Minority Leader Joanne Sanders and Marion County Treasurer Mike Rodman to join us in our call for Minton-McNeill to resign. They failed to act before when people like Monroe Gray felt they were above the law. I sincerely hope they act now that such a situation is unfortunately occurring once again."


  1. If found guilty of this crime, hopefully this council will remove her to preserve the integrity of the office.

  2. Don't count on it. The next election is not until 2011.

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM GMT-5

      She was found not guilty because the lady police officer lied. No mention of her integrity of the force. Not guilty on all counts Doris was found. This is so sad for 15 minutes of fame at someone else's expense.

  3. Tommy John's comment was uncalled for. First, you don't kick people when they're down. Second, you don't make assumptions until you know the facts. Third, you don't make something like this into a Republican-Democrat thing. There are plenty of Republicans who could do the same thing.

    There is a reason why people are innocent until proven guilty in this country...quite often the legal system gets things wrong. That's especially true with our prosecutor's office here in Marion County.

  4. She will have to go into her pocket for representation. Aaron Haith is prohibited from defending her.
    I wonder if she's related to Ron Gibson? Ron may have been a crybaby but he didn't piss himself.

  5. I just hope if there is anything to this that Mr. Brizzi doesn't let her off because she's a Councilwoman.

  6. I just heard the story on WTHR and the police said she called as a person she has hired to do some work would not leave. When she "made contact with a female officer" she was going back in to her house. Nothing like what is in your blog. Anybody who has ever handled a case with IPD and "battery on a police officer" knows that oftentimes it is initated, if it exists, by the officer. Is Tommy John asking for the Republican judge convicted of DUI causing death to resign? I doubt it since he supported him.

  7. I've heard three different TV reports now. Each reported the facts a little differently. They all report that the councilor ran into the female police officer, causing injury to her wrist, and they all report that the councilor appeared intoxicated.

  8. Really, Gary... is it an important fact to report that the woman pissed her pants? She was drunk... we get the picture. Any additional descriptions seem to be gratuitous and unnecessary. Let the woman have a little bit of dignity.

  9. If the part about the officer's wrist being injured is true, that would make this a D felony. Which, if I'm not mistaken, would disqualify the Councilwoman from office if convicted.

  10. Would you prefer, Russ, if I instead talked about all the four-letter words she reportedly said to police during her arrest, how the "I'm a councilor" line was reportedly spouted, or how she reportedly played the race card during her arrest?

    1. Anonymous7:40 AM GMT-5

      You believe what you heard on the news and we know them to be truthful, right. She was found not guilty" The officer lied on her, not all first responders are bad but clearly there are some bad apples . review the trail transcript, see where the officer said she was standing, God himself would have to had pick her up and roll her past the other to male officers. Look at the picture that she agreed where she was standing as did her fellow officers, no way she was pushed up against the house. Concluding: Not guilty.

  11. Russ:

    I don't always like everything "the media" or others report, but that doesn't mean it's not arguably news. After all, there's .081 drunk after having a few beers watching a Colts game in your home, and there's "can't control bodily functions" drunk. I will wait to hear the final report, but who gets drunk like that in their own home essentially alone (except for her father, I understand). That's a bit troublesome to me because it leads to idiotic behavior, such as drinking and dialing 9-1-1. I'll wait to see whether there is a conviction here, but if one results, or if she pleads, she needs to step down.


  12. I find the urination aspect difficult to believe, simply because IMPD officers rarely transport their own prisoners. Especially ones that are highly intoxicated. They put them in the wagon, which can't get piss stains in its metal seats.

  13. Russ: Take the liberal crap to the toilet, please...and learn about the word "dignity" that you talk about:

    1. bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation. (Not sloppy drunk, profanity)
    2. nobility or elevation of character; worthiness: dignity of sentiments. (Not "Do you know who I am???" "I'm the Democrat city-councilwoman!"--certainly not a position of nobility!!!)
    3. elevated rank, office, station, etc. (Not "Do you know who I am!")

    Face reality, Russ: Life isn't Liberalland, where nobody fails or screws up. In real life there are failures and screw ups, and Minton-McNeil is one of them.

  14. AI,
    Why don't you print the entire police report so Russ can get the full picture. I'm sure you have it. Russ claims he "get's the picture" but he clearly doesn't. You and I know the MSM isn't going to paint the picture that this appointed CCC, with a criminal history, is a racist cop hater who tried to use her position to bully cops around. Once again, if this were a white Republican politician who allegedly made similar racist comments along with all the MF's, that would be all we would hear about until he/she was publicly humiliated and removed from office. Let everyone read it and form their own opinions.

  15. "Really, Gary... is it an important fact to report that the woman pissed her pants? She was drunk... we get the picture. Any additional descriptions seem to be gratuitous and unnecessary. Let the woman have a little bit of dignity. "

    If she did what the police said, she can have a little bit of dignity when she has earned some.

    Involuntary urination is a by-product of excessive drinking, and goes towards her state of intoxication and unruly behavior, which is NOT a defense. I've read the report. The use of the word "motherfucker" and accusations of racism by the police from McNeill show up more frequently than in a 1980's Eddie Murphy flick..

    But, she is entitled towards her day in court like anyone else. Hopefully though, she will exhibit an understanding of the fact that her office is more important than her ego, and will resign if found guilty..or perhaps President Cockrum can caucus to have her removed. The 15th district can always appoint another D to replace her..Hell, they havent had representation (vote by the people in that district of a candidate who actually lives IN that district) since 2003.

  16. Anonymous2:57 PM GMT-5

    This is absolutely an embarrassment to the city and to the council. Indy has quite the streak of [sad] public officials, eh?

    On a side note, I am absolutely sick and tired of hearing people scream "racist!" whenever something doesnt go their way. Its really hard to take people like that seriously and not want to go up and laugh in their face.


  17. We need to issue "Get out of jail free cards" to the democrat City Council members, evidently they need them.

  18. Read the report for yourself.

  19. I'm not a liberal, and glad I don't live in "Liberal-land", but I think the kneejerk reactions to what I said without any of you knowing who I am are just about as laudable as the kneejerk reactions to her needing to step down, etc. She's not even been tried and convicted.

  20. Odd that Doris' bio is the ONLY one that hasn't got a photo:

    A short trip down the elevator is all that's needed for them to get one, now.

  21. I just hope if there is anything to this that Mr. Brizzi doesn't let her off because she's a Councilwoman

    You give Brizzi a lot of credit.
    He's about as spineless as most democrats.
    Is anyone surprised that a democrat tried to qkirt the law ?

  22. Russ:

    Any ELECTED OFFICIAL who is drunk, disorderly, displaying loud racist ideas and words (lowered inhibitions), and URINATING on themselves does not need a day in court to be told they are UNFIT FOR ELECTED OFFICE!
