Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Schellinger Hits Back At Thompson

Jill Long Thompson is another "Washington politician" who voted to "cut Medicare", "cut social security" and "for unfair trade deals that ship our jobs overseas." She's just "more politics as usual." That's what Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jim Schellinger's latest TV ad has to say about his primary opponent. A press release from his campaign lets you know just how upset Schellinger is with Thompson's TV ad accusing him of making "millions lobbying to raise property taxes to pay for schools he designed." Schellinger had this to say:

“Congresswoman Thompson wants to smear my reputation as a businessperson by slinging falsehoods about my role as an architect and by mischaracterizing policy positions,” Schellinger said. “Honestly, that’s the kind of thing I expected out of Mitch Daniels in November, but she has invited a discussion about public records, so we’re going to have a discussion about all the time she spent in Washington.

“I trust Hoosiers will be able to see a clear distinction between the well documented facts we’re laying out and the misleading attacks Congresswoman Thompson launched earlier this week. At the end of the day, I believe they’ll be able to see which Democrat is running to take Indiana in a new direction and which candidate is relying on Washington-style politics as usual to win at any cost.”

Thompson’s attack, in keeping with her history of misleading and negative campaigning, misrepresents Schellinger and puts forth several false statements as fact. Just yesterday, Thompson’s campaign had to change the ad because it contained photos of buildings that were not designed by Schellinger’s firm. In fact, one of the buildings in the original attack ad was designed by one of Thompson’s campaign donors.

Gee, I wonder who wrote this press release?

1 comment:

  1. No matter the talent of the press agent, you cannot deny that Schellinger is wealthy because of the very overbuilding and debt accumulation by school districts that led to our current anger about property taxes.

    Let's face it - he picked a bad year to run for Governor.
