Wednesday, April 09, 2008

RealClearPolitics Doesn't Like Hillary

The political Internet site, RealClearPolitics, has maintained a noticeable bias against Sen. Hillary Clinton and for Sen. Barack Obama during the Democratic presidential race. A popular feature of the site is its daily updates of polling data for primary states and general election match-ups. For weeks now, the site has been displaying polling data for upcoming primaries in Pennsylvania and North Carolina on its main page. The polls for Pennsylvania's April 22 primary have consistently shown a Clinton lead, although that lead has slipped some in recent days. RealClearPolitics is quick to highlight any narrowing of her lead there, while emphasizing Obama's consistent, double-digit lead in North Carolina's May 6 primary. The Indiana primary is on the same date as North Carolina's. While both Democratic candidates are devoting a great deal of time in Indiana where polls show Clinton in the lead, RealClearPolitics declines to feature any poll results for Indiana alongside North Carolina's on its main page. I e-mailed John McIntyre at RealClearPolitics and asked him why the site doesn't display Indiana poll results, but he didn't respond. I wonder if the poll results in Indiana showed an Obama lead if the site would be ignoring Indiana. If you dig around on the site, you can find Indiana's poll results. The question is why they aren't as prominently displayed as North Carolina's?


  1. we have entered the era of paranoia.

  2. I'm not quite sure where you're getting this, AI. RCP had a pretty prominent and detailed post last week titled "No Really. Hillary Has a Decent Shot" ( and gave a breakdown of how she can still get the nomination.

    I discussed its Indiana-related contentions on my own blog (

  3. Procynic, I just want them to show Indiana's poll numbers on the main page along with North Carolina's. Don't we deserve that billing. It's as if they're saying Indiana's primary is irrelevant. Am I trying to get their attention? Yes. We'll see if it works.

  4. Check out Oprah's website and see what the GOP has in store for Barry. It blows Jennifer Flowers away.
