Wednesday, April 02, 2008

John Okeson R.I.P.

John Okeson, the former Clerk of the Indiana Courts and former Legislative Liaison for Gov. Mitch Daniels died much too young this past day according to Fort Wayne Observed's Mitch Harper, a friend of Okeson's. He had just recently returned to the practice of law after serving the Daniels' administration. The Fort Wayne Journal-Gazette reports that Okeson had entered a Fort Wayne hospital with flu-like symptoms and died there Tuesday night. Harper writes of Okeson:

John was well-liked. He was professional. He was a public man in that he had an interest in the full range of public policy questions facing Indiana.

Most importantly, John was a father. My memory of John will be fixed in knowing the joy he took in being able to run with his daughter.

Condolences to Okeson's family and his colleagues at Hall Render Killian & Heath.

1 comment:

    rip. john!
    a friend
