Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where Is Dan Burton?

The House Committee on Oversight & Government Reform held a hearing on the use of steroids in major league baseball today. Looking over this gentleman's shoulder you will see an empty seat behind the name of U.S. Rep. Dan Burton (R). Any speculation on what kept Burton away from today's hearing? Burton is facing stiff primary opposition from Dr. John McGoff.


  1. If the groundcover around Washington is anything like the terrain here, he's probably out using yellow golf balls for the visibility...

  2. Anonymous9:54 PM GMT-5

    His absence can either be explained by golf balls or skirts.

  3. Yes, shame on Dan Burton for ignoring this critical and imminent threat to our nation...

  4. Kind of like the taxation without representation the 7th district suffered through for so long.

  5. Anonymous6:44 AM GMT-5

    Dying of cancer may be a better excuse for missing votes than wanting to play golf

  6. Anonymous8:25 AM GMT-5

    Actually, a quick review of the transcript will reveal that Mr. Burton did attend and asked some rather informed questions.

    As for golf, hit 'em long and straight, Dan. I would rather have a Congressman with a low handicap and the ability to do things for the district. We send a boatload of tax money to Washington and I am glad we have somebody there that fights for Central Indiana's fair share.

  7. Maybe he was in the mens room.

  8. Anonymous3:03 PM GMT-5

    Check The log and the transcript, printing stuff like this is what gives blogs a bad name. This allegation is simply not true. Dan Burton was present at the doping hearings. I like this blog, but they need to do a little homework sometimes.

  9. Anonymous7:13 PM GMT-5

    Danny Burton has a handicap but it has nothing to do with his golf game.

  10. I'm watching the meetings today and I know where Burton is. He's in Roger Clemens pocket.
