Sunday, January 06, 2008

Confusion Surrounds 7th District Race

If you thought you were confused about the 7th District congressional race to succeed the late U.S. Rep. Julia Carson, the candidates are just as confused reports the Star's Brendan O'Shaughnessy. He writes:

The logistics, including overlapping timelines and various paperwork filing deadlines, has confused candidates to the point where some aren't sure how to proceed.

Complicating matters is the unusually large field of declared and undeclared hopefuls lining up to succeed Carson.

"It's very confusing," said Tom John, the Marion County Republican Party chairman. "It's clear we haven't (held a special election) in 18 years."

The one sure thing, members of both parties said, is that it will take considerable and careful strategizing and campaigning this year to win the 7th Congressional District seat.
What is beginning to emerge is the very real possibility that some candidates on both sides might forgo the special election process altogether and, instead, focus entirely on winning the party's May primary nomination. "Party leaders on both sides fear that, with no clear frontrunners, they could see one set of candidates vie to fill out Carson's current term and another set compete for the next term and, as a consequence, see party unity crumble," O'Shaughnessy writes.

It is quite surprising that so few candidates have filed paperwork with the respective parties to participate in next weekend's caucuses to pick the special election candidates. On the Republican side, only former Jerusalem Post publisher Tom Rose has filed with the party despite the fact that State Rep. Jon Elrod announced his candidacy in November and has filed a statement of candidacy with the FEC.

On the Democratic side, only three Democrats have filed paperwork, including City-County Councilor Andre Carson, attorney Randle Pollard and County Treasurer Mike Rodman. All three candidates tell O'Shaughnessy they are actively working committeepersons for support. According to Marion Co. Democratic Chairman Mike O'Connor, other potential candidates attended a recent meeting to discuss the race, including: State Reps. David Orentlicher, Carolene Mays and Gregory W. Porter, City-County Councilwoman Joanne Sanders, former state party Chairman Robin Winston and former health commissioner Woody Myers.

UPDATE: State Democratic Party spokesperson Jen Wagner comments that Pollard has not filed paperwork with the party yet to run in the special election caucus this coming Saturday. You can follow who has filed by clicking here.


  1. Anonymous9:25 AM GMT-5

    I thought this Loftus guy was supposed to be such an insider pro at these things. It took him more than a month to figure out his transition team had a ghost employee working for them that they never asked to work for them? It reminds me of two different Seinfeld episodes where George and Kramer pretended to work for businesses they had never been hired to work for. Great comedy, here, folks.

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM GMT-5

    Sorry. Wrong post for my comment.

  3. I hate to sound like a broken record, but Randle Pollard has not filed paperwork to enter the caucus, which is run by the Indiana Democratic Party.

    He may have filed paperwork with the Marion County Democratic Party, either for slating or to obtain the precinct committeeperson list, but he is not currently a candidate in Saturday's caucus.

    When he or anyone else files that paperwork, it'll be posted here:

  4. Jen, I'm just quoting O'Shaughnessy. He writes:

    "On the Democratic side, Carson's grandson, City-County Councilman Andre Carson, filed last week. Two other Democrats have done the same: Marion County Treasurer Michael Rodman and Ice Miller attorney Randle Pollard."

  5. I wasn't saying you were wrong; I'm just trying to clear up some of the confusion on our side.

    People seem to be mixed up because the state party runs the caucus, but Marion County runs the primary slating convention.

    Because the Seventh District is entirely within Marion County, I think people assume the local party is in charge of filling the vacancy.

  6. Jen's right Pollard filed with the county, but not the state. He's informed me he will be filing with the state tomorrow. He'll be going door to door meeting precinct chairs today. Precinct chairs, if you see a red pontiac pull up by your house that means he'll be knocking on your door.

  7. Randall Pollard's candidacy is an offense to the good sense of both committeemen and average Democrat voters. He apparently think he is a local version of Obama. Unlike Obama, randy Randy has only recently shown an interest in local politics as if affects the people. He has instead spent his short time he has been in the state serving on do-nothing boards and shuffling his expensive Italian loafers in the hall of the state capitol peddling influence. Apparently, he now wants to be the other side (in Washington DC no less) selling access to the higher bidder. Committeemen and voters see him for what he is a johnny-come-lately opportunistic phony.

  8. He'll be going door to door meeting precinct chairs today.

    The real question is will the envelopes that will be given to the chairs be filled with money or questionable photos!!

  9. Thanks for clearing it up, Jen and anon 10:59. It looks like the candidates might be a little confused on the role the state party plays versus the local party in the caucus for the special election.

  10. It will be red Pontiac with an Enterprise rent-a-car sticker on the bumper. You can take guy out of the expensive foreign car but you can't take the expensive foreign car out of the guy.

  11. To anyone who's interested, Pollard has posted answers to questions from Southside democrats on his blog, Before you start blasting him, you might as well find out who he is. For some reason comparing him to Obama seems to be an odd method of attack these days. I don't think Randle went to Georgetown law and worked hard all throughout his life to be like Obama. Randle is his own man, this world has room for many accomplished men of color, not just Obama.

  12. 11:12, You've pretty much summed up most of the candidates that ever run for office.
    Let me know when homeless street person files his papers to run.
    BTW, nobody really wears real Italian loafers anymore, they're all made in China now.

  13. There is confusion in the 7th District!
    Apparently no one cares to comment on Abdul's Indiana Barrister blog anymore.
    Is it the puff articles like his "Dinner With Andre" or is WXNT hitting the skids.
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  14. anon 11:12

    Those are some harsh comments. I assume you know him personally? I should also assume you feel that David O. is also an outsider, since he has been in the area roughly the same amount of time? Did it ever dawn on you that maybe he's genuinely interested in being of service to this community? The Obama comment is offensive. If he were white, would he still be riding the Obama wave? Or, would he be a concerned citizen that thought he could do the job just as good, if not better, than the current options? If you have some real information you'd like to share, I'm open. However, the fact that he wears Italian loafers shouldn't affect whether he's qualified. Surely any successful person has something designer they own, right?

  15. The real ones are made in Italy. And believe me randy Randy didn't work as hard as he did in law school to wear imitations from China.

  16. Sure some successful people own real designer stuff. Meanwhile the average voter is working two minimum wage jobs (if they are lucky enough to have those options) living among run away crime and failing schools, which are more concerned about new buildings than quality instruction.

    Why, pray tell, is Randall going to see the committeemen in a different vehicle than the one he regularly has valet-parked for $20 at fancy downtown restaurants?

  17. Why is it a sin for a man of color to be successful? Previous posters need to look at themselves in the mirror and think about what they are saying.

  18. And then caucus to select people to fill the remaining terms of Carson, David o, Porter, Mays, Saunders, Rodman...and so on. Hell now I'am confused. One thing I am not confused about is where, why, when and how to file.


  19. anon 11:43

    Again, I'm you know him personally? Are you referring to $20 valet charges because you've been a passenger when he drops off the car? Why does it bother you that someone who has worked so hard has a nice pair of shoes? Am I missing something? I'm sure the other candidates also have nice things you can't afford. So what? Yes, I would love to have nicer things myself, and that's why I work hard. I wasn't aware that being a pauper was a requirement for the congressional seat.

  20. 11:18 AM. You're wrong. Neiman Marcus has quite a few Italian
    made shoes. See this pair for
    over $1,300.

  21. This shoe thing really bothers some of you guys. Well, how about we make a pact....unless the candidate has an unshined pair of shoes from Walmart, they don't get our vote! That will teach successful educated folks to try and run for congressional seats.

  22. 12:08 PM when someone says or implies that they're not materialstic to the average voters
    when they really are materialistic
    that is the issue. Exhibits # 1a and #1b are Fred Thompson's and Lamar Alexander's old used vehicles utilized when each campaigned in Tenn. Average people don't like phonies even if the average person is no better.

  23. It is NOT about being educated that is offensive. What is offensive is that he thinks that paying dues consists of the country club variety. It also has nothing to do with his race, either. It is just that some commenters mentioned similarities of him with Obama. All I did was continue that aspect of the discussion.

    His work as a lobbyist is perfect evidence that the people and corporations with money have their interested looked out for. What we need in a Congressperson is someone who knows what it is like to struggle in this day and age. This Congressional seat is not a prize for him to add to his other accomplishments, it is about serving the

    Of the people, by the people, for the people. I don't see him in any part of that. Sorry, I don't.

  24. Anonymous1:41 PM GMT-5

    anon 12:51

    I hear what you are saying, but you still have answered whether you know him personally or whether these are just "impressions". For instance, what country club does he belong to, since that's a concern? Just because someone doesn't look the way you would like or because they have accomplished some things in life doesn't mean that they don't identify with the struggle. Did it ever dawn on you that perhaps his passion comes from his own struggle? Just a thought. There are plenty of congressment that are well spoken, well educated, and well dressed that do a wonderful job representing their constituents. To dismiss someone because they aren't your average shuck and jive type of person is sad, especially when that person may be more on your side than you think. I've checked out his information (which isn't as good as your obvious friendship with him), and it doesn't seem bad. In fact, I would say that he, David O. (another Ivy League outsider), and JoAnn Sanders are the only ones that really have what it takes to make a difference in Washington. I'm not a fan of lobbyists, for the most part, but does anyone even know what he's lobbied for that was so bad? Is there something I'm missing?

  25. Anonymous2:04 PM GMT-5

    To win (special, primary and general) a Democratic candidate in the 7th must get strong Black voter support. Every candidate mentioned in the race has been visible in this city's Black community for some time. To some degree, even Woody Myers (though he was more visble during his 80's stint as Health Commissioner. He's been hidden since he came back to town). The prospective white candidates (Sanders, Orentlicher) have been visible and engaged the Black community. So, why does Randall Pollard and the folks behind him seem to think that a Black man with an impressive resume but who has not been heard and seen by grass roots Black voters (not to mention not seen by the wide cross section of Black leaders (D's, R's and I's)would be the "great Black hope". And a person who could win. Pollard seems to be this year's Kris Kizer. A candidate driven by ego and hubris, instead of service.

  26. Anonymous2:13 PM GMT-5

    This is a congressional seat, not a lifetime achievement award. I can understand the desire to have someine who's been a fixture in the community for twenty years, but at the end of the day this is about who can best serve us.

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM GMT-5

    Hmm, at least he's not Andre? That could be his slogan.

  28. Anonymous2:57 PM GMT-5

    Shuck and jive? That is a borderline racist remark.

    There are plenty of qualified black candidates in this race that have been visible in the community, not just in the statehouse. In fact, every single one mentioned thus far is qualified to be the Congressperson, albeit for different reasons. Despite your supposition, this field does not lack for qualified black candidates. However, if that is the driving force behind Mr. Pollard's candidacy, he is sorely mistaken. Mr. Pollard stands alone as the only candidate in this field black or white that has absolutely no business running.

  29. Anonymous3:05 PM GMT-5

    I agree that Pollard, if he goes to the post at the caucus, will be first out, followed shortly by the Honorable Joanne Sanders.

    In fact, here is the order of finish (last to first) of all the possible candidates.

    David O.

    In the end it won't even be close.

  30. Anonymous3:40 PM GMT-5

    anon 2:46

    That's funny! Good one.

  31. Anonymous3:42 PM GMT-5

    I disagree 3:05. Just as we all saw in the last's gonna be a crap shoot.

  32. Anonymous3:43 PM GMT-5

    anon 2:57

    How is he less qualified than Andre? I'm just curious. There are some qualified candidates in the running, but Andre is definitely the least qualified. Here's the test, imagine his name is Bob what are his qualifications? I'm open minded, so let me know. Thanks!

  33. Anonymous3:44 PM GMT-5

    In this crap shoot, you think that all the candidates have equal chance of winning? If not, what are your odds?

  34. Anonymous3:46 PM GMT-5


    You forgot Rodman, where does he go?

  35. Anonymous3:58 PM GMT-5

    The problem with your reasoning is that Andre is not Bob Smith. That is, unless Bob Smith was raised by an accomplished public servant and learn the game at that person's knee.

    We are not a monoarchy, but it can't be denied that growing up with a person who has served the people for years counts for something. If nothing else, it is about not forgetting it is about the People. That is hard for guys like Pollard that never knew the people to begin with.

    Ok, ok. So somebody like Pollard spends three years in law school at a fancy school like Georgetown. Just how exactly does that prepare you to serve an under-served constituency as an elected official?

    Compare that to a lifetime of seeing problems in your community and working humbly to solve them.

    While Pollard was taking important clients to lunch at Palominos, Andre Carson was serving his community. That is how Pollard is less qualified than Andre to serve in the capacity of Congressman. Pollard has never served anybody other than himself and his well-heeled clients.

  36. Anonymous4:02 PM GMT-5

    Sorry. I would put him just after Sanders. That is unless people remember he was the one who sent out those property tax bill last summer. In that case, he still beats Pollard.

  37. Anonymous4:08 PM GMT-5

    This discussion is absurd. A black man does well and he gets thrown off the plantation. Success is now a disqualifier for public office? Private sector experience, as opposed to a life spent sucking on the public teat, is an inferior experience? Mr. Pollard's mistake is being a Democrat. The Republican Party, as broken as it is thanks to Bush/Rove, at least doesn't engage in these banal debates about someone's shoes.

    I don't know him, but it seems to be Pollard would be a welcome sea-change in the manner in which we've been represented for a very long time.

    P.S. So would several other of the mentioned candidates who have some experience in the real world.

  38. Anonymous4:14 PM GMT-5

    FYI - there is a website with information on Pollard and his stance on some issues.

  39. Anonymous4:15 PM GMT-5

    Pollard for Congress: Italian shoes on everyone's feet.

  40. Anonymous4:20 PM GMT-5

    Someone like Pollard who has made a fortune looking out for the corporation, at the expense of the little guy, desires to be the Democratic nominee. I would fully expect that the Rs would put up this type of candidate, regardless of race.

    It is not that he has done well, it is the ill-gotten nature of his gains. No one. I, repeat, no one has challenged that he made his money whispering in the ears' of legislators on behalf of people who are already doing pretty well thank you very much.

  41. Anonymous4:22 PM GMT-5

    Wilson46201 said...
    I'll be waiting!

    11:13 AM EST

    Please wait quietly

  42. Anonymous4:22 PM GMT-5

    Where is there a picture of him standing in his Italian shoes? The photo I saw it only from the waist up.

  43. Anonymous4:24 PM GMT-5

    Is it true that Pollard is using a borrowed car to go around to see the committeeman?

  44. Anonymous4:29 PM GMT-5

    Wow, I get it now! If my mother is a doctor, I am qualified to perform surgery because I've been to her office. Or, if my father is a bricklayer, I am qualified to build homes because I watched him do it one day when school was out. I didn't realize it was so easy.

    Well, so much for actually doing something yourself. I guess the other candidates that have made it a point to work their way up didn't understand that simply being related is a much better predictor of success. Thanks for educating me!

    On a far less sarcastic note, it is with sadness that I will for the first time for the R's...that is if Andre is the candidate. I've always vowed that I would vote for the most qualified person, and if he weren't related to Julia, he wouldn't even be a factor. Its not personal though. If he proves himself over time, I'll come back.

  45. Anonymous4:34 PM GMT-5


    What fortune are you referring to? That's real funny. I didn't know he was wealthy. And by ill gotten gains are you referring to his paycheck? You didn't see he works for someone? He's not a wealthy business owner. What "anti-the-people" legislation did he lobby for? Just curious.

    Surely as an informed voter you aren't assuming that someone's work as a lobbyist means they haven't done good things. There are people that lobby for gay rights, children's right, etc. Are they bad people too because they try to influence legislators to do good things?

  46. Anonymous4:34 PM GMT-5

    Elective office is not about the legal term for this or that. So you don't need to be an attorney. It is about knowing when people are hurting and actually doing something about it. For sometime now, people have been hurting but it is special interests, represented by the likes Mr. Pollard, who continue to make out like bandits. He should not be rewarded for this indiscretion.

  47. Anonymous4:38 PM GMT-5


    What special interests did he represent? I agree you don't have to be an attorney. However, I prefer some experience doing something over nothing at all. Of course I haven't been able to access a resume for Andre, so I could be swayed.

  48. Anonymous4:39 PM GMT-5

    I get it now. Pollard is the black version of David O. Brilliant.

  49. Anonymous4:45 PM GMT-5


    Why are the only two choices Andre and Pollard?

  50. At this point, Randle Pollard hasn't even filed to run. Only Michael Rodman and André Carson put their names down officially on the list with the Indiana State Democratic Party.

  51. Anonymous5:16 PM GMT-5

    Someone like Pollard who has made a fortune looking out for the corporation, at the expense of the little guy, desires to be the Democratic nominee.

    Why does this keep getting repeated? I thought Pollard's background was in tax work? Who has he lobbied for?

  52. Anonymous5:25 PM GMT-5

    What exactly is tax work, then?

  53. Anonymous5:27 PM GMT-5

    Can he claim some responsibility for the exorbitant property taxes?

  54. Anonymous5:37 PM GMT-5

    Ohhhhh, how exciting. Dumpster diving season!!!!

  55. Anonymous5:40 PM GMT-5

    anon 1123, Abdul has lost his edge. He is no longer "hungry" and that makes for *yawn* a boring thing.

    Say what he will, he really wanted EVERYBODY to love him. Ain't goin' happen. So he sold his soul. His sidekick, Chris, has more going on.

    As for 'going on' - you are at the sight that has it ALL!

  56. Anonymous5:42 PM GMT-5

    Special Interests = Randall Pollard

  57. Anonymous5:46 PM GMT-5

    It is a sad day on this blog, reason being- some of these postings are primarily playing the race card. I wouldn't be to suprise that some of the anonymous posting are coming from the candidate themselves. It is very evident that the United States has some serious problems that must be address as well as the crisis we're facing here in Indianapolis.

    1. Property tax issues

    2. The rise in violent crimes

    3. The homeless crisis

    4. Poverty, and the lack of Economic Develoment that is needed to address the very issues I am talking about.

    5. The continue negelect of our City, State, and Federal Government slow reponse on addressing the rising increase in hate crime towards people of color, sexual orientation etc.

    6. The all most 10trillion dollar deficit that not only the republican has raise but many Democrats as well.

    7. Almost 60billion dollars in Medicare fraud that if continue it will bankrupt Medicare in twelve years.

    8. The War in Iraq that has caused massive awols in the amount of 4,000 soldiers.

    Come on people we should start of the New Year right and begin a more intense debate on the issues. If anyone would like to piggy back off what I've just listed. Speak up or so ever hold your peace. Chaos or the Community where do we go from here?



  58. Anonymous5:49 PM GMT-5

    3:58 said:

    Ok, ok. So somebody like Pollard spends three years in law school at a fancy school like Georgetown. Just how exactly does that prepare you to serve an under-served constituency as an elected official?

    Excuse me, I wasn't aware that the entire 7th Congressional District was inhabited by an exclusive "underserved constituency." Do you live in the same district as me?

    Compare that to a lifetime of seeing problems in your community and working humbly to solve them.

    And what community problems has Andre, at 33, spent his lifetime working to resolve, or even address for that matter? Most constituents in the 7th District had never enven heard of Andre Carson until his grandmother's terminal illness was made public and her subsequent passing. What volunteer boards has he served on? What community service has he performed?

    While Pollard was taking important clients to lunch at Palominos, Andre Carson was serving his community. That is how Pollard is less qualified than Andre to serve in the capacity of Congressman. Pollard has never served anybody other than himself and his well-heeled clients.

    Nothing wrong with taking a client to lunch, and I am particularly fond of Palominos. Business lunches are how business has long been conducted in this city, whether it be at Palominos Downtown, or the Country Kitchen at 19th and College, or John's Famous Stew on Kentucky Avenue.

    And again, please produce the long list detailing Andre's community service, commitment etc.

  59. Anonymous5:52 PM GMT-5

    Good list and I'm sure that there are more but the 2 that quickly come to my mind are the soaring Illegal Immigration Problem and the lack of a unifying national candidate to lead us out of this mess.

  60. Anonymous5:58 PM GMT-5

    Some people seem to paint this race as Randall Pollard - Black and respectable - versus Andre Carson - just Black.

    There are other candidates.

  61. Anonymous6:05 PM GMT-5

    This race is far from over. This week in Indianapolis will be very interested. Two new candidates will complete the required paperwork and make the dogfight more interested. I have my popcorn and drink ready. One of the new candidates will catch everyone by surprise.

  62. Anonymous6:07 PM GMT-5

    Your list is good as well. How about this, all of the Southern States have begun to address illegal immigration, thus making some of them to return home. I for one do not support any legislation that allows Illegals to obtain Driver Licenses, Why? Because you and I if were traveling out side the United States must report to custom before entry. Furthermore, if the Congress where to even think about this radical approach then my friend guest what must happen next?

    The entire DOC all of the convicts should recieve their voter registration card.



  63. Anonymous6:14 PM GMT-5

    Steve Campbell?

  64. Ruth at has just posted a very good interview with André Carson about his faith and beliefs...

  65. Anonymous6:45 PM GMT-5

    What exactly is tax work, then?

    Consulting clients on tax issues. Haven't you ever consulted with a tax professional, be it an Enrolled Agent, a CPA, or an attorney?

  66. Anonymous6:53 PM GMT-5

    Just looked on Pollard web site. He supports a National Health plan that quarentees coverage for all. He will support more competition in the insurance and drug markets.
    Who has Pollard lobbied for in the past? Anthem-Wellpoint and Lilly I don't believe this has been the company line at the legislature the past few years. Has Pollard changed stripes, has he turned his back on his clients or is just a guy who will say anything to get elected. You can look up who lobbies in indiana on the state web site.

  67. Anonymous6:57 PM GMT-5

    Thanks for the clarification on tax work.

    Did Pollard represent entities who received property tax breaks unavailable to regular citizen?

    Did Pollard represent entities that contributed to the explosion in property tax expenditures that resulted in exorbitant property tax bills for average citizens?

    Just curious.

  68. Anonymous7:01 PM GMT-5


    My parents always told me to watch what people do, not what they say. I am more inclined to believe Pollard's heart is where his wallets is (with his mover-and-shaker clients), rather than some quickly assembled website for his campaign.

  69. Anonymous7:07 PM GMT-5

    Steve Campbell is obvious, so I doubt its him. Although he would have the backing of all the mayor's people. That could make this fun. I would imagine the mayor's folks are backing David O. right now, but if he enters that could shift the dynamic. This week will be hilarious.

  70. Anonymous7:07 PM GMT-5

    6:53, 6:57, That sounds very interesting to, here is a good ideal folks. The citizen that I have been talking to on the streets are talking about Congressional. Here is one suggesting that some citizen are rasing. A televised debate of all candidates in the special election. 2. Open Forum so that the citizens can ask some serious question.

    1. Andre Carsn

    2. Rodman

    3. Pollard

    4. Mays

    5. Porter

    6. David O

    The news Media should take a gallap poll regardinig these demands made by the American people.



  71. Anonymous7:16 PM GMT-5

    I agree with dark horse re: the debate. Although, David O. won't do well in it, so that's not really fair to him. He's brilliant, but he has the personality of drying paint. A debate shouldn't render him unqualified considering his history.

  72. Anonymous7:26 PM GMT-5

    You will want to write this down.

    Number of Votes Cast on 1st Ballot
    Andre 220
    David O. 120
    J. Sanders 50
    Rodman 40
    Mays 40
    Porter 27
    Winston 25
    Pollard 5
    Myers 3

    If 2 out of the following 3 do not go to the post Andre wins on the 1st ballot (Winston, Sanders, Porter)

  73. Anonymous7:35 PM GMT-5

    I think that Jo Anne will get at least 75. Bil Browning's support is worth at least 5 votes.

  74. Anonymous7:42 PM GMT-5

    7:26 Your assuming that 530 will be there to vote. I don't. More like 450.

  75. Anonymous7:44 PM GMT-5

    Getting andre's supporters to show up is going to be like herding cats. Even Julia had a hard time getting precinct people to show up.

  76. Anonymous7:51 PM GMT-5


  77. Anonymous9:24 PM GMT-5

    To Dark Horse and other posters,

    First, Saturday's election is a party caucus, a convention of precinct committeepeople, some elected, some appointed. The campaign is to ger roughly 260 of them to vote for a candidate to be the Democratic nominee in the special. While we would all like the chance to hear from the candidates, the time doesn't come until after the caucus.
    You can bet there will be debate(s) between the D, R and L candidates in the special election. The only question is how many and how many will be broadcast.
    Anyone else can enter the primary race starting January 22nd. You can also bet there will be plenty of opportunities to hear where the candidates stand on the issues during the primary, which in effect runs from the special until early May. Dark Horse at 5:46, I think, outlined several issues that all the candidates for Congress, of all parties, should address. It is up to the precinct committee people to make sure those issues are addressed for the caucus. The candidates running in the caucus should address them in their speeches and literature.
    Finally, as the one who raised Pollard's lack of involvement and visiblity in the Black community, this race isn't about just Andre. Every Democratic candidate named is far suprior to any Republican (including Tom Rose, Brizzi and Jon Elrod). I don't have a problem that Pollard is a lawyer. But, Barack Obama, a lawyer, before he became a State Senator in Illinois, served his community as an organizer. He was out visible in his community. Everyone else running, to some degree, has, including Andre. Pollard is the odd man out. The only one who hasn't bothered to even want to be seen or heard in the Black community. In my mind, with a number of great candidates, Black and white, that Blacks CAN support, Pollard is wasting time and energy running, for Congress. Maybe he should look at the Orentlicher seat, instead of Monroe Gray. An idea that I think even Blacks won't support.

  78. Are we even sure that Pollard is a Democrat?? Watch and see if car rental shows up on his expense report.....or will Ice Miller pick up that expense for the congressional seat that they hope to buy?

  79. Someone must be terrified. There's been 160 comments about Pollard over the last few days. For a candidacy purportedly going nowhere, it seems to be quite the topic of discussion.

  80. His is a ridiculous candidacy. That is why all the comments.

    I know that it takes some gall to go the legislature and get things quietly for your clients that they don't deserve. But to try to run when they is no evidence of community service or visibility is silly and need to be pointed out.

    If the Italian loafer fits, wear it.

  81. FYI, Pollard filed his paperwork with state party this morning. A copy has been uploaded to the website.

  82. Anonymous4:34 PM GMT-5

    Carolene Mays has apparently file her paper work per Jim Shella but at Marion County Democrat HQ. Hey Jen, have you seen her?

  83. all this talk about Pollard seems so 80's....

    this thing is about results and bringing home the bacon; experience in law, tax and building and maintaining relationships are perfect qualities for a law maker.

    I worked on Capitol Hill (though only for an internship) but trust me without those skills you can spend a year getting stomped all over and getting nothing accomplished for your district. Its not about being outspoken and visible but rather about making an actual, tangible differences that I can see in my paycheck, on property taxes, etc

    I am ready for a businessperson, who is strategic and knowledgeable about corporate America and negotiations on our side. Why should the republicans always have business savvy folks and we just have community leaders? I want change and one must understand the functionality before they can adjust the form. Pollard is in my eyes who I want representing me to take me and my community to the next level. A young professional brother with experience in big business this is what will encourage our young males to aim excited (clearly)

  84. guys, this thing is about results and bringing home the bacon; experience in law, tax and building and maintaining relationships are perfect qualities for a law maker.

    I worked on Capitol Hill (though only for an internship) but trust me without those skills you can spend a year getting stomped all over and getting nothing accomplished in your district. Its not about be outspoken and visible but rather about those who can make an actual, tangible difference that I can see in my paycheck, on property taxes, cost of my healthcare plan, etc

    I am ready for businessperson, who is strategic and knowledgeable about corporate America and negotiations on our side. Why should the republicans always have business savvy folks and we just have community leaders? I want change and one must understand the functionality before they can adjust the form. Pollard is who I want representing me to take me and my community to the next level.

    can you tell im excited?

  85. We will all see who the citizens select to represent them in congress. The big difference between Obam and Pollard. Obama was not hire by a Corporation that does work for the city the city of Chicago. He started by representating the people at the bottom. He has past legistlation such as racial profiling. Mr. Pollard happens to work for a corporation that does work for the city of Indianapolis.

    We need a congressmen or congresswomen that will not sell out the community to corporate interest, and special interest group. I would like to see all youngsters pursue political office. He will have to address some serious issues regarding our community. According to his blog site. I've had to wipe the tears from my eyes from dying laughing and wetting my pants. If for some strange reason you man recieve the nomination and is delcare the winner. What next. This special election is about Corporate Interest, and Special Interest look at the candidates.

    Mays says she in it to win it. She has to tell the voters why was important to her to vote herself a comprehensive payraise, while being paid an handsome salary as the publisher of her uncles news paper.

    Did anyone catch Amos Brown show this morning regarding FSSA. It was truly sad in what I was listening to. Single parent paying 800.00 on her mortgages and then hit hard with property taxes making her monthly payment of 1,500 dollars a month. She is now fighting to recieve food stamp so that her baby want starv.

    It is very apparent to me that these State Legislators are running from a crisis. How then can they address the crisis of our Federal Government?


