Thursday, January 10, 2008

Brizzi Won't Run In 7th District

Marion Co. Prosecutor Carl Brizzi has apparently put out a press release saying he will not be a candidate in the 7th District special election caucus this Sunday. Responding to the announcement, our favorite radio talk show host was quick to add, "See I told you guys he wasn't going to run" to those suggesting Brizzi might make a late entrance into the race. This would be the same radio talk show host who, after both Taking Down Words and WISH-TV's Jim Shella blogged about a potential Brizzi candidacy, wrote on his own blog: "On the Republican side the two candidates are still State Rep Jon Elrod and sometimes talk show host, Tom Rose. There is some funny business going on in this race, but I’m running late for the dentist, so I’ll try to have more later today." Because he is on the payroll of the Marion Co. GOP Chairman's law firm, people assume when he says something like that he has a pretty good source. Of course, he never had more to report on that "funny business" later in the day.

UPDATE: The Star's Vic Ryckaert now has a story up on Brizzi's announcement. "When I ran for re-election I pledged to the citizens of this county that I would wake up everyday working to make their families safe from crime," Brizzi said in a written statement. "I plan on fulfilling that pledge by continuing to serve as prosecutor." Ryckaert write, "The four GOP candidates entered so far are Thomas Rose, a former Jerusalem Post publisher and policy adviser to then-Mayor Stephen Goldsmith; state Rep. Jon Elrod; Gabrielle Campo, a social worker; and J. Gregory Stroude, an independent real estate broker." The GOP candidates have until the end of the business day today to make their intentions known.


  1. In Abdul's defense: on TDW (in a comment) he stated ex cathedra that Brizzi wouldn't run.

  2. Yeah, and he was for the police consolidation ordinance putting control of the police department under the Sheriff's office before he was against it.

  3. Anonymous9:06 AM GMT-5

    wow AI you have something against Abdul or something? None of my business, but something does not sound right between you two

  4. Frankly, anon 9:06, I can't look at the guy the same way I did knowing how he deceptively used Indianapolis' LEO community with that whole IndyUndercover ruse. A lot of peoples' reputations and careers were harmed by his handy work over there and I suspect you will never see him accept any responsibility for that other than to take credit for Greg Ballard's election.

  5. Anonymous9:46 AM GMT-5

    Does anyone have a clue what exactly Abdul supposedly does as "Of Counsel" for Tom John's law firm? He isn't admitted to practice law in Indiana.

  6. Hey, Gary, Could you do another poll on your blog-- based on the announced candidates for the 7th. Might be instructive to compare those results to the outcome of the party balloting.

    Also, any conjecture as to who will will each nod?

  7. Don't forget to add a poll of the Libertarian candidates for their nomination! Their alleged field isn't trivial...

  8. During Ballard's campaign it appeared that few republicans (of any status) wanted anything to do with Ballard, but WOW the week before the election, they came out of the woodwork and was behind Ballard. Did you see Brizzi live on TV stating "our" new Mayor and acting as if Ballard was his best friend!!!! Please!!!

  9. Anonymous4:09 PM GMT-5

    It was Greg Ballard who betrayed those who supported him. Carl Brizzi, Susan Brooks and Olgen Williams were Bart Peterson supporters until Ballard won. Ballard then used Ice Miller, Lacy Johnson's law firm, to select personnel for the Ballard Administration?
    Can someone spell S T U P I D?

  10. Anonymous5:08 PM GMT-5

    Abdul is a fool.............
