Sunday, December 16, 2007

Plenty On The Life Of Julia Carson

Today's Star is filled with lots of information on the political career of U.S. Rep. Julia Carson and the impact of her death. Here's what you'll find:

  • Rob Schneider talks about Carson's life as a "warrior for the city". "Her weapons of choice are blunt talk and a dollop of charm," the Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America once said of her.
  • Will Higgins writes about how Carson always remained true to her roots. "Carson grew up modestly and never strayed from her roots. She could have moved to a better neighborhood but never did. She stayed in her house at 25th Street and Park Avenue. She could have arranged to have her phone number unlisted but never did. She's still in the book."
  • Mary Beth Schneider shares the thoughts of her friends and colleagues here. "I loved her, and she loved me," Andy Jacobs said, his voice cracking. "She was my sister."
  • Matt Tully talks about the bond between Carson and her supporters here. "In this hard-boiled world of politics, the bond between Carson and her many supporters was stronger than anything else most of us who document politics for a living have ever seen.
    Any commentator fool enough to criticize Carson in print was destined to spend hours fielding calls from angry, passionate and, most of all, loyal Carson supporters.
    Believe me, I know."
  • And Brendan O'Shaughnessy talks about the race to succeed Carson here.

Funeral arrangements are tentative at this point. Carson's body is expected to lie in state at the State House rotunda on Friday. Her funeral is tentatively planned for Saturday. The location has not been announced yet, but it is anticipated there will be quite a few high-profile public officials who will come in town for the services.


  1. Anonymous6:28 PM GMT-5

    I finally got out of the house today to run some errands. I was very touched by the number of red and white yard signs I saw that had sprung up saying "I Love[heart] Julia" I dont know if it was an organized effort or what but it made me proud of everything Julia has done for this community. It is a sight to behold. Those red and white signs standing proudly in the white snow.

  2. I can't believe that her arraingments are still pending, 3 days after her death.

    Acutally I shouldn't be surprised. Look at her poor voting record, being sued by the City of Indpls & Clay Pool Courts. She probably didn't even make pre-arraignments for her funeral. I'm half her age and have already done that, wasn't much of a planner was she?

  3. You can't fault her for that. I suspect those planning it are still trying to figure out who will be coming from out of town, the size of the venue, etc. I would not be surprised if one of the Clintons is in attendance, as well as several other high profile Democratic pols. Security concerns could affect where her funeral is held.

  4. Well, I don't see any of the media talking about how Carson and her staff deliberately lied to the public about her health. Instead, they are all making her out to be a saint. Even in death, the media continue to perpetuate an image of mythological proportions.
