Sunday, December 09, 2007

IndyUndercover Calling It Quits

IndyUndercover is officially calling it quits. "Indyu thought it could stay and fight, but after more than 18 months of daily postings the staff and all of us here just need a break," the post reads. "[W]hen Indyu started, there were only a handful of blogs in this town, now they are plentiful and more than enough to carry on the fight to protect this city." "Please support them," the blog adds. Abdul Hakim-Shabazz recently acknowledged his role in encouraging the start-up of the blog. He insisted, though, the blog was authored by a group of law enforcement officers. Anonymous e-mails to this blogger claimed Shabazz and City-County Councilor Ike Randolph were behind the blog.


  1. Things run thier course and need to end sometime. It served its purpose and realizes it is time to move on. I have no doubt that if the need arose, Indyundercover would be back in a heart beat.

    I say thank you IndyU for all you've done.

    Certainly Advance Indiana is one of the blogs that IndyU talks about when it refers to the great surviving blogs still out there.

  2. The sleaze level in Indy just decreased greatly!!!! It would have been interesting to see how that blog would have treated their beloved Mayor Ballard since he has already double crossed them once and hasn't even taken office. I think the FOP is just anti mayor. They didn't like Hudnut, they didn't like Goldsmith, they didn't like Peterson, and I think they are already starting down road to not liking Ballard. Ballard lies!!!

  3. Uh, anon 1044, did I miss the innauguration of the new Mayor? Oh yeah, that's right, we still have Bart lurking around.

  4. I find it difficult to beleive Abdul, or anyone with an education beyond tenth grade, was involved in IndyU.

    A constant stream of poorly-written, grammar-challenged distribes...and Abdul is anything but a bad writer.

    It was hateful on its best day, vitriolic most days, full of lies and predictions that didn't come true...

    It lost is credibility last year when it predicted a Republican sweep. Just because. We had to wait another year to get that fat freak Ricketts into elective office, and they championed his sorry ass. (Sidebar: it's gonna be a fun four years watching Ricketts trip over himself, ,hire relatives, etc.)

    Philosophically inconsistent. Lacking in depth and true substance.

    Good riddance.

  5. Anonymous2:14 PM GMT-5

    I'm sad to hear IndyU is signing off but as one of the "wing-nuts", I can tell you that months of de-Barting and CCC "house" cleaning have left me a bit weary too. Joe made a huge difference in the election and in the lives of so many LEOs and CCs.

    Gary, you're to also be commended for all your efforts to make "Advance Indiana" such a great blogsite. I can't imagine the hours you put in to do this. Thank you!

    After a little R & R, the "wing-nuts" are on to the Statehouse! We're fighting to save our homes and those of Hoosiers everywhere. Join us!

  6. Anonymous2:51 PM GMT-5

    The comments over at IndyU are like someone has died and the body is open today for showing and the crowd is filing by paying their last respects.
    Weird just plain weird. You'd think people thought Joe was a real person when all they were was Marion County GOP blog set up on the cheap to gather info for Abdul and make like they were friends of cops.
    Now the IndyU people all have seats at the Ballard table.

  7. Anonymous3:05 PM GMT-5

    As far as Peace Officers are concerned, relax for a week or so.

    We will have our site dedicated to us soon enough. There is always a need to shine a light into the darkened night. The cockroaches always scatter when the light shines upon them.

    Things are looking up and we need a place to keep in touch.

    It is coming.

  8. Anonymous4:34 PM GMT-5

    One can only be concerned about the impact this will have upon the level of political discourse in our fair city.

  9. Anonymous5:14 PM GMT-5

    anon 4:34 the level of political discourse should be highly elevated with the demise of IndyUndercover we need more like Advance Indiana

  10. The sleaze level in Indy just decreased greatly!!!!....not liking Ballard. Ballard lies!!!

    Enjoy your time left on the 25th floor. You'll be out of a job in January.

  11. Anonymous6:26 PM GMT-5

    not 25th floor, Gary.

    Average citizens. Put your ear to th ground. IU was and is a joke.

  12. Anonymous9:58 PM GMT-5

    "Weird just plain weird. You'd think people thought Joe was a real person when all they were was Marion County GOP blog set up on the cheap to gather info for Abdul and make like they were friends of cops.


    2:51 PM EST"

    Kinda like the way that TDW is the Marion County Democrat's blog?

  13. Anonymous3:02 PM GMT-5

    Indy undercover was a political hatchet job. By claiming to be written by members of the police department, it gained in credibilty. In fact, the anonymity of the blog was expressly to hide its political connections. So what is it about republicans that have to use the Police and military as political pawns? If IU wasn't just a blatant political hatchet act, why would it shut down after the election but before this new mayor does anything in office?

    TDW is written by an actual documented person whose biases can be measured and weighted when reading her posts.

  14. "Kinda like the way that TDW is the Marion County Democrat's blog?"

    Actually it's the State Democrat Party's blog.

  15. Anonymous5:04 PM GMT-5

    9:58, The difference is that Jen at TDW never hid her identity or the fact it's a Dem website.

  16. Anonymous8:52 PM GMT-5

    as my daddy always said," Don't let the door knob hit you.......
