Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Hey Look, It's Elton John

Woops, my mistake. It's Colts owner Jim Irsay announcing today on the Circle a fan contest, which will be offering five, genuine Super Bowl rings as a prize to the winners. Benefits from the contest will be donated to central Indiana charities.


  1. Anonymous2:32 PM GMT-5

    Have you no shame and must you mock and ridicule everyone?

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM GMT-5

    And since the grateful taxpayers of Marion County get to PAY FOR ALL PRE-GAME FESTIVITIES, I guess we also bought the five rings.

    Too bad Jimmie couldn't find a dollar or two to contribute himself. He expects us to buy 200,000 tickets so HE can donate $1MILLION dollars to charity.

    Ain't we nice!

    And he makes a lousy Elton John.

  3. Anonymous3:32 PM GMT-5

    I agree with anonymouse 2:32pm. What have you got against Elton John? Why would you compare him to Irsay? That's mean. I've always been a big fan of EJ. If you are going to continue down that road then I am going to have to quit reading your blog.

    Oh, wait, were they saying you were mocking Irsay? Well then, never mind and keep up the good work.

  4. Anonymous3:48 PM GMT-5

    He is such an easy target.

  5. Anonymous4:47 PM GMT-5

    Dude, 2:32, 3:32.... lighten up.

    Irsay's outfit is obviously, if you take the glasses into account, an INTENTIONAL effort to look like Elton John.

    You know...Costume...Halloween...you get it?

  6. Anonymous5:20 PM GMT-5

    Actually, Irsay looks like The Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland.
    I know pain killers won't cause you to dress this was so what the hell is Jimmy on now?

  7. Anonymous7:36 PM GMT-5

    The funniest post I've read on here in weeks.

    Lighten up folks. It IS funny.

  8. Anonymous7:52 PM GMT-5

    It looks more as if Elton John and Charles Nelson Reilly had a love child (which I would fully endorse had one of them not recently passed away).

  9. OMFG! Irsay TOTALLY looks like C Nelson Reilly! Ha!

    Tho apparently Irsay himself said he was "Willy Wonka Elton" OK, Jim, whatever. Pass the microdot...
