Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Carson Watch

Today is the expiration of U.S. Rep. Julia Carson's second request for a leave of absence from her duties in the House of Representatives, which began more than a month ago. I contacted Rep. Carson's office to ask for the latest update. The lady answering the phone told me there would be an announcement, but she refused to say when it would be coming. Stay tuned. Maureen Groppe should have something soon.

UPDATE: The AP is reporting Carson will not be returning to work until at least mid-December while she continues to recover from an alleged "leg infection." The statement read: "If you are frustrated about this, imagine how I feel! In the meantime, I continue to work from home on the people's business. Unfortunately, healing sometimes takes longer than anticipated, but I'm working hard to be able to travel back to Washington by mid-December. My goal, of course, is to be back much, much sooner."

And I suspect the news media will buy into that crap. At what point do we say enough of these lies from Carson's staff. You aren't leveling with her constituents, and you haven't been leveling with them from day one. If the person to whom her staff has attributed this statement today is indeed planning to return to Washington by mid-December, then why is one of her closest supporters calling around lining up support for a candidate who is close to him to replace her as I write?


  1. Congress was supposed to get out on the 26th.

    According to their web site they are supposed to be in session on Thursday.

    Thursday - NOVEMBER 1, 2007

    The House meets at 10:00 a.m.

    No clue as to how long they may stay in session. Don't they have some spending bills to pass ?

  2. Anonymous6:15 PM GMT-5

    I wish you would be as diligent in tracking Dan Burton's attendance and the votes he needs to miss to play golf or is this just a pick on Julia exercise???

  3. Today's session is not yet posted to the Congressional Record on THOMAS.

  4. Anonymous7:53 PM GMT-5

    Danny just missed a week...Julia has been missing her whole career. I think that defines the difference.

  5. Anon 6:15 - I am not sure who you are asking ? But for me - Dan Burton is not my representative in Congress - Julia Carson is.

    And asking legitimate questions is not "picking on Julia".

    You are more than welcome to "pick on Dan" if you so please.

  6. Anonymous8:18 PM GMT-5

    Wilson has gone anon because "The Machine " told him to keep his trap shut because his Boss is getting so much heat that it is running over on to the Mayor and his Council.....

    Wilson.....where did you go? We miss making fun of your Ol' tired azzz!!!! Hahahaha....

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM GMT-5

    Anonymous 6:15

    Wilson Allen in hiding again. For the voters and taxpayers in the 7th district inquiring about Julia Carson's health is not picking on her. Damn the sympathy trick. She has used this tactic her entire politcal career when she has messed up.

    Our tax dollars are paying her salary and we have a right to know her present condition. If she wants her privacy, she needs to retire and nurse herself back to health on her own time and not ours.

    Ms. Carson does not even need to think about running again in 2008. The game is over. Enough said!

  8. Anonymous8:47 PM GMT-5

    You almost feel like Principal Rooney in the scene from Ferris Bueller's Day Off when he is talking to Ferris' friend on the telephone imitating Ferris' father who has just told him Ferris will be absent due to his grandmother's death. The disbelieving Rooney tells him to produce a body by wheeling her old bag of bones over to the school, and he'll be glad to excuse Ferris from school. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but it's pretty much gotten to that point with these fantasy stories w are being told by Carson's staff.

  9. It looks like the ghouls of Halloween are busy posting comments against Julia Carson again tonight. Typical for this blog so well known for its venomous, virulent and vehement vilification of our Congresslady...

  10. Declining
    Won't be back, can't come back.
    So called statement written by someone else. More going on medically than public has been told. Not able to serve anymore. It's being kept a secret until after the election. You heard it here first. You will see all is true when it is finally released. Heard details but do not feel it is respectful to reveal even though I don't believe in the persons politics, it is still a person.

  11. Wilson - are you willing to give Julia the rest of the term off ?

    First she was needing just a few weeks and she will be right back at work. Then it was another few weeks due to slow recovery. Now it may be 6 more weeks ?

    How many weeks are you willing to give her ?

  12. Anonymous5:30 AM GMT-5

    Wilson, it's not typical. Geeeesh.

    The anger of people mirrors the manner in which Julia's office is telling folks about her condition. Wait until the last possible minute, avoid avoid avoid...mislead mislead mislead. It's contemptable. We're not stupid.

    "Leg infection" ? Sure. Gop to Look up her condition--officially described as a leg infection as a result of her vein harvest for a heart bypass 12 years ago.

    You'll see there, and get it confirmed form any medical professional: this condition is almost non-existant.

    If your good friend Julia truly cares about her constituents, have her doctor release some information about her condition.

    We're waiting.

  13. Anonymous5:47 AM GMT-5

    I am waiting for them to parade "Aunt Esther" around town like "weekend at Bernies"....hahahah

    She needs to resign ...these fools are their own competition. I wish she would be seen with Wilson around town...Then it would be a total laughing stock...Folks he is a hot mess! If you haven't had the pleasure it is worth the time to investigate...very funny.

  14. The Congressional Record is posted for October 31st. No request for an extended leave of absence was requested of the Majority Leader nor The Speaker by Carson's office.

    If it were any other entity she'd be AWOL but as we know there is no real penalty for missing Congress.

  15. She IN THE HOSPITAL for a few days the first time BEFORE she asked for time off.

  16. Anonymous9:20 AM GMT-5

    This is Wilson>

    Miss Julia! Miss Julia! I read on the blog today that they know your health is declining and that you won't be able to serve. Miss Julia didn't you hear me? Wer'e going back to Kansas. You me Toto the tin man scarecrow and the cowardly Bart. What should I go back on the blog and say to throw them off cause they're on to us?

    Long pause...............

    Response- Wilson...... you big dummy. We are in Kansas

  17. Even Jim Shella is questioning what is really going on with Julia Carson. Such as - is she at home or still in re-hab ? What is the ral illness ?

    People want some real answers.

  18. Anonymous1:58 PM GMT-5

    Go ahead and keep bashing Julia while she is ill. Keep questioning her dedication and hard work for this community. Every post that denigrates her just serves to increase the african american voter keep on with your uncaring cruel and untrue remarks. It will bite you in the behind on election day.

  19. Anonymous4:18 PM GMT-5

    I heard on the radio today that Ms.Carson is recovering at home. Just in time for the election on Tuesday, and has requested more leave until the end of December. I will be waiting to see if she is being chauffered around to ensure that enough votes are stolen to reelect Peterson as mayor.

    Note: The comments on the blogs will not ensure her reelection in 2008 Wilson, they will merely help to get her out.

    Is that a joke or what?

  20. Anonymous9:14 PM GMT-5

    Alright folks...who the heck is Wilson? Can someone fill me in please?

  21. Anonymous5:32 AM GMT-5

    You need to leave Julia Carson alone and give her time to recover. This is between Julia and her doctor........all of this hate, name calling, making fun accomplishes nothing.......She deserves more respect.
