Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Warning To The Scribe

The person frequently posting on area blogs as "Scribe" has crossed the line into what we attorneys call "defamation" and make no mistake--it is actionable. The individual, angered by being outed by the IndyUndercover blog, has posted false, malicious and defamatory material on a blog claiming, among other things, that I am the person who writes the blog IndyUndercover, and that I am a person who frequently posts under the name "GaryJ". Everything in this published post is completely false. Consider youself, "Scribe", put on notice to immediately retract this false, malicious and defamatory information you made up out of whole cloth. I will not hesitate to take legal action against you.


  1. Anonymous3:53 PM GMT-5

    This Scribe guy is really sick, Gary. I've been following his comments on the blogs for awhile now. Anyone with half a brain would know you weren't either GaryJ or IndyU, particuarly since many people know who GaryJ is. What a joke this guy has become. I understand your frustration. People simply can't make up anything they want about people and publish it on the worldwide Internet.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous4:04 PM GMT-5

    Gary's last name is Welsh, dumbass.

  4. Kenn, Yes he did use my name and since you seem to be friends with him, perhaps you could enlighten us a little. You should be ashamed for associating yourself with this kind of nonsense.

  5. By the way, former Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Kenn Gividen posted a comment defending the Scribe and has subsequently deleted it. Go figure.

  6. Sorry for the error. I zapped the post.

    Nonetheless, I think you may be swatting a fly with a shotgun.

  7. I know GaryJ, he isn't an attorney. Gary Welsh is.

    Scribe it won't cost Gary Welsh much to make your life expensive.
    I suggest that you back off.

    Piss off an attorney and your life can be hell. Legal Hell.

  8. Kenn, I don't think you would be singing that song if the shoe were on the other foot and you were being falsely attributed with writing voluminous information posted on the worldwide Internet, which could have serious professional repercussions.

  9. Gary can you sue him for damages and collect your legal fees too?

  10. Point well taken.


  11. A retraction and an apology will suffice, Kenn.

  12. This is pretty discouraging, please, let us get back to the reason many of us have started these blogs. We can't let something so petty bring us all down, take the high road, even though the other hasn't. You'll be a better man for it, and we all know you're a good person!

  13. LEO supporter, I appreciate what you're saying, but I accept full responsibility for what I write on my blog. I don't blog anonymously. Others choose to do otherwise and that's their right, but there are limits. I will not sit by and watch someone falsely accuse me of writing an entirely different blog than Advance Indiana and posting comments all over the Internet under another name, neither of which I had any part, and which often express opinions which may be at odds with my own beliefs.

  14. Anonymous4:30 PM GMT-5

    So are we to assume you are the Scribe, Kenn?

  15. I understand, I would put my name on indycorrupt, but I would like to still be alive when it's all said and done with. :)

  16. I'll touch base. However, I think a simple post zapping is most you can hope for.

  17. Kenn Gividen speaks with forked tongue. He posted this comment on IndyUndercover:

    "I knew I liked that guy!!!

    Congratulations, Scribe...

    Keep up the good [scratch] excellent work."

  18. Indyernie knows who garyj is, as does Wilson Allen, I believe that Gary Welsh does alo, as does the true writer of IndyUndercover.
    Thanks for posting the warning, AI. I just looked at "the scribe" as a "wannabe".

    Signed, the real

  19. Anonymous4:52 PM GMT-5

    I've met this Gary of AI.
    I've met GaryJ.

    Trust me, they are not the same person. NEITHER has hidden the fact of who they are. To confuse the two is ridiculous.

  20. Gary, go get 'em. Your blog is classy. I suspect once Scribe sees New York Times v. Sullivan he may have second thoughts.

  21. Anonymous4:54 PM GMT-5

    I noted this post by "eindiana.com" (complete with his avatar) on the Scribe's blog:

    "Well, I don't know Gary and have never been the brunt of his attacks, but for some reason unbeknownst to me I came under fire from the gaysters about a year ago... and it hasn't let up.

    I can't help but wonder why they are so hateful."

    If that truly came from Kenn Gividen, the former "Libertarian" gubernatorial candidate, then I'm truly disappointed in both him and the LP.

  22. Anonymous5:13 PM GMT-5

    johann, I'm with you. I used to like some of the Libertarians, but I'm beginning to rethink my opinion of them if Gividen and the Scribe are representative of their thinking.

  23. Let me just throw a little humor in here, I just posted a video of the latest Julia Carson speech. Comments encouraged, extra points awarded if you can get through the whole mess.


  24. Anonymous5:58 PM GMT-5

    I'm not sure the Libertarians are dumb enough to fall for that.

  25. Anonymous6:10 PM GMT-5

    Yes, and that's probably how they know each other - from their past involvement with the Libertarian party.

    What's interesting is how disgusted "The Scribe" is because someone "outed" him, then he tries to do the same (in a false manner) to someone who has never tried to hide from who he is.

    He's obviously upset because it's true. He is Jacob Perry. Just read his posts and take a look at past comments. It all adds up.

    He just likes to pick fights with EVERYONE without any repurcussions. What goes around comes around.

  26. OK, I updated my stupid blog. Are you happy now, Scott?

  27. Anonymous6:49 PM GMT-5

    Leo supporter: What the hell was that?! I am so embarrassed.

  28. Anonymous7:05 PM GMT-5

    You know, I'm starting to think that Jacob (aka The Scribe) went after you, Gary, in his own post just to drive up his readership.

    It's pretty clear that no one reads his blog, which is why he has to comment on everyone else's.

  29. anon 7:05, Others commit petty crimes or worse to get attention. There are consequences for such actions. You cannot simply make up malicious lies about people and publish it on the worldwide Internet without suffering the repercussions. This fellow is going to learn that lesson the hard way.

  30. Kenn Gividen, you should be ashamed of yourself. I'm sorry I wasted a vote on you. And Mark Rutherford, Andy Horning and you other fellow Libertarians, where are you? Are you going to sit by and say nothing about the atrocious action of your fellow Libertarian?

  31. Anonymous4:48 AM GMT-5

    the scribe is referring to garyj as a gay attorney?
    Garyj will be pizzed! He hates being called an attorney!!!

  32. I know Gary isn't IndyUndercover's Joe Friday.

    Charles Briley from IMPD is Joe Friday.

  33. Hey guys. I'm a Libertarian and I don't think Andy and Mark follow blogs all that much.

    Anyway I can safely say that none of us condone bigoted remarks about gays or defamatory statements. As for myself I am both a registered Libertarian and a member of Indy Pride.

    Please do not judge Libertarians as bigots and liars. It just isn't so. Like any group or race there are going to be bad apples who have misplaced judgement.

    I don't think it is necessary to get into a big criticism of the Libertarians, for what the party wants is small government, the rule of law, and personal freedom.

  34. Meliyssa,

    In what state are you a registered Libertarian? Can't be Indiana...we don't register.

  35. Anonymous1:30 PM GMT-5

    Looks like Scribe just recanted his "outing" of you by name and substituted somebody else. Did you capture the first posting...he appears to have taken it down and made a substitute.

  36. Anonymous1:31 PM GMT-5

    I'm a Libertarian. Have been for many years. I'm not sure who you're accusing of being a bigot or a liar, but I know such allegations are commonly used to defame decent people who don't deserve the hate.

  37. Funny as hell. Now he's saying that my name is chuck whitman, and calling me a mechanic.
    So, lets get this straight.
    I'm a lawyer, electrician, mechanic, blogger, politican?
    Man, am I busy!!!!!
    Gotta go now, I have to fix some legally electrical problems in an automobile!!

  38. I was the Libertarian Party's candidate for Secretary of State in 2006, and proudly worked with the gay community to fight SJR-7. Homestly, I don't know what all of this is about, but I'll be sure to check it out.

    I think you will find that the vast majority of Libertarians adhere to the simple principle, "you have the right to live your life your way". I certainly do.

    I've been somewhat puzzled by Kenn's blogging near obsession with all things gay over the last half-year or so. I suspect that when he left the Libertarian Party, it was so that he could go in this direction, diverging from Libertarian orthodoxy.

  39. Anonymous8:22 PM GMT-5


    Did you catch this post from Kenn Gividen? He has since removed it from his site...

    Answers for Gary from endiana.com by Endiana.com
    Answer to first question:

    "Forked tongue" is a phrase that means "liar" or "to make false promises or to speak in a way which is not honest." [source] My opinion is that you should refrain from using the term, partiularly in a public post.

    Consider these two points:

    • Don't demean others. Calling someone a liar in public could be construed as "defamation" and may be actionable, particularly if it's not true. Check with your attorney for potential liability.

    • Don't lower yourself. Name calling hurts you as well. It makes you look small and insecure.

    Answer to second question:

    If a perceived "friend" of your adversary offers to mediate, I see no reason why you would not welcome the opportunity to resolve the conflict, particularly if your adversary's "friend" is honest in his desire to reach a solution. You may be pleasantly surprised to discover your opponent's "friend" is your friend as well.

    Hope this helps.

    Wonder why he took it down...

  40. Anonymous8:24 PM GMT-5

    The Scribe seems worried about proof. I happen to know that IndyU received a tip from someone that knows Jacob Perry.

  41. Mr. Welsh, take down this post.

    The Scribe had the courage to accomodate your request. Why don't you have the character to do the same? You seem hell-bent on demeaning anyone who dares disagree with you but go into a rage when your character is questioned. Seems inconsistent, eh?

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous1:42 PM GMT-5

    The truth is that only the few of you who write these blogs and apparently read and write on each other's blogs really care who GaryJ or IndyU or The Scribe are. You all take yourselves far too seriously.

  44. Anonymous8:10 PM GMT-5

    Yep. Too seriously.

  45. I knew Jacob Perry pretty well. I had thought of him as a friend and I paid him out of my own pocket when I had no money to do that.
    But humans are complicated. Don't judge all Libertarians by one comment from Kenn or a bunch of nonsense from Jacob.
    Jacob turned on me with vindictiveness I cannot understand at all. He's been talking trash about me for a couple of years now.
    I don't get it. Nothing like that had ever happened to me before.
    But like I said, humans are complicated, and politics is freakish wierd.
    Can't we all just get along?
    No...if we could we wouldn't tolerate politics.

  46. Oh, and by the way; I have been called both a "gay basher" and a "gay sympathizer" because we humans too often resolve down to a bumper sticker what should be a longer thought.
    I found this site because I happened across a bunch of nasty remarks about me and thought I'd track down a few.
    But what I find here is a bunch of intelligent folks who (only a little) fall into the digital age pitfall of easy, quick communication.
    -Quick judgments, hasty statements and regrettable consequences.
    Let's all try to do better.
    I'll see if I can get in touch with Jacob and heal some damage we've done.
