Friday, August 03, 2007

Miller Schools Candidates To Be Just Like Him

Just when you thought Eric Miller couldn't possibly abuse the tax-exempt status of his Advance America organization any further, he decides to test the bounds of IRS scrutiny even further. This time he's offering a campaign candidate school to help friends of the religious right get elected to office. "Our cities, our state and our nation deserve leaders who support and defend those principles that made our state and nation great: support for traditional values including the sanctity of life and marriage, lower taxes, a smaller more efficient government, a strong national defense and safe neighborhoods," Miller announces in a brochure for the candidate school." "Are you such a leader?," he asks. "If you are, you need to be at our 2007 Candidate School."

Miller's brochure advertising the campaign school even boasts more than a dozen office-holders who plan to participate in it. They include Democratic gubernatorial candidate Sen. Richard Young, Sen. Jeff Drozda (R), Rep. Jackie Walorski (R) and Rep. Woody Burton (R). Even City-County Councilor Sherron Franklin (D) has signed up for the campaign scheduled for October 13 in Indianapolis. Franklin was an outspoken opponent of Indianapolis' HRO, which Miller lobbied against when it was debated by the Indianapolis City-County Council.

Miller, an unsuccessful GOP candidate for governor in 2004, even uses the nonprofit's website to comment on his own political future. "Eric rules out run but still could spur change," a headline announces on the group's website, referring to his role in promoting a constitutional amendment to repeal the property tax and his rumored 2008 run against Gov. Mitch Daniels. I guess Miller's gotten away abusing Advance America's tax-exempt status for so long--over 25 years--he's beginning to believe he's untouchable. Maybe the IRS will eventually catch up with him, but in the meantime, it would be nice if some of the folks in the mainstream media asked a few questions of him.

Hat tip to Taking Down Words.


  1. Anonymous8:15 PM GMT-5

    Eric Miller is what is wrong with our state and the political system as we know it.
    The main stream media will not touch this guy - it is to boring of a subject for them, it does not spark emotion.
    Miller is a 'hidden' major player in our upcoming mayor's race yet no one hear will speak about his hatred.
    Thank goodness I have my own blog which I plan to expose his history, his agenda and every other corrupt politician playing his games.

  2. Anonymous3:54 AM GMT-5

    What exactly is the process for an ordinary citizen (me) to file a complaint with the IRS about tax-exempt status of a political group?

    Do you know, Gary, if these complaints are listened to? Or are they discarded?

    Because this "workshop" is blatantly political. He probably thinks that because he's got Ds and Rs, he's safe. Actually, I think it proves he's out to control things, and is, in fact, even more political than a one-party affair.

    I'm not going to waste my time if the IRS turns on me, as a complaintant, or if it's a worthless exercise. But if not, I'll look into it.

    Maybe others can, too?

  3. Hm, wonder if I can sign up for that candidate school, even though I oppose everything he stands for? Might be an interesting exercise to show up in my rainbow couture.

  4. "What exactly is the process for an ordinary citizen (me) to file a complaint with the IRS about tax-exempt status of a political group?"

    The first thing you need to do is identify an actual violation. Those who know the IRS tax exempt laws (Gary is obviously not one of them) will recognize immediately that there is nothing illegal in any of the Miller information that is quoted here.

    I know a lot of people on this blog hate Eric Miller. But frankly, you look awfully foolish complaining about things that you clearly know nothing about.

    Oh well, what's new about that?
