Friday, August 24, 2007

Ballard Wants Three Televised Debates With Peterson

GOP mayoral candidate Greg Ballard sent letters to three local television stations asking for three televised debates between him and Mayor Bart Peterson. "There has been a large outcry from the public and the media in recent weeks to hear my opponent and I talk about the issues face to face," said Ballard. "I embrace any opportunity to discuss the problems facing our city and to compare our plans for Indianapolis' future."

According to a press statement released by the Ballard campaign, he earlier this week agreed in principle to a debate moderated by WISH-TV's Jim Shella, but Ballard wants two more debates which include both moderators and a town hall format, respectively. Shella prematurely jumped the gun and dissed Ballard for the second time on his blog this week. Shella disengenuously wrote this morning:

We at WISH-TV enjoy staging candidate debates and, with that, you normally get difficult negotiations.

This year we encountered something drastically different from any previous year. It's a challenger who didn't leap at the opportunity.

Unlike most challengers, Greg Ballard did not request a debate. We offered one. Mayor Bart Peterson agreed and even issued a press release to that effect.

We await word that Ballard will take part.

Later today, Shella updated his blog. "Campaign representatives for Greg Ballard responded to the last posting in this blog by calling and saying they are "definitely in" for televised debate with Bart Peterson," Shella wrote. Personally, I think it is a mistake for Ballard to agree to a debate moderated by Shella alone. He has clearly demonstrated his bias towards Mayor Peterson on repeated occasions in the past. At times, he seems to be nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. It is highly doubtful Ballard will get a fair shake from Shella in this forum. Oddly, in this strange election year where Peterson's negatives are so high, it is the incumbent who has everything to gain and the challenger who has everything to lose in one of these events, which are really not debates at all. It is too easy for a biased moderator to stage the event so as to make the challenger look unprepared for the task of being mayor by tripping him up on irrelevant nuances. I've always preferred the Lincoln-Douglas style debate, to which candidates almost never agree these days.

It appears to me this whole turn of events today was staged by Peterson's campaign in full cooperation with Shella to trap Ballard into agreeing to this one pro-Peterson-staged event. Shella posts the negative blog item, sends Ballard's campaign into a panic and they quickly agree to a debate on Peterson's terms. Mayor Peterson won't agree to the two additional debates, and Ballard will be labeled the bad guy if he tries to pull out of Shella-run event because Peterson won't agree to more debates. That's how these things play out. Providing an informative discussion for the benefit of the voters is the least of the political players concern.


  1. Anonymous5:11 PM GMT-5

    I'm with you--there hasn't been a Lincoln-Douglas style debate in this country in 50 years.

    I hope these two get together for some televised debates. I don't like debates where audiences are present--the applause is often staged, and it gets in the way of Q/A.

    Can you assemble a panel of intellegent reporters to ask questions? Seriously? In this town?

    That being said...

    Peterson will eat him alive. Ballard is just not prepared.

  2. Anonymous5:22 PM GMT-5

    The reporters in this town are the biggest freakin tools.

  3. Too bad there would never likely be a debate moderated by bloggers

  4. Anonymous6:32 PM GMT-5

    I think Kevin Rader would do a good job. He always seemed fairly balanced the five years I was a production assistant at WTHR. The Sunday morning roundtables with Robin and Peter were both entertaining and informative...

    But getting Bart to play fair is highly unlikely.

  5. Anonymous7:08 PM GMT-5

    OK, so here's the rub on Kevin:

    On one of those roundtables with Robin, Kevin, et al, last spring, Julia Carson suffered a cerebral meltdown. After a Tully question. She waxed poetic about some little know the story.

    Tully, Robin and Rader sat their like bumps on a pickle. Any rela journalist would've asked the tough question, at tha tminute, or, at least, within an hour or so, questioning the campaign about her health.

    Ergo, Rader is a tool, too.

    My nominees for moderator or panelists: someone from Common Cause, someone from the League of Women Voters, someone from the Chamber of Commerce, a Union person, and one reporter. Just one.

    Let the games begin.

  6. Anonymous7:13 PM GMT-5

    Peterson will have all the city employees show up, getting paid OT at the taxpayers expense, applauding him.
    Ballard will have a few supporters there because Bart will have IMPD white shirts taking up all the seats.
    Anything like the CC meeting where he only allowed a few non supporters in.
    This should be a closed to an audience debate.
    People submit questions online and get to watch on TV only.

    Bart will dominate the debate because the media will say that he won.
    The media in this city is scared of Bart Peterson and will do whatever Bart tells them to do.
    Just pick up the Star and you'll see what I mean.

    Ballard would eat Bart alive if it were to be a truely fair debate.

  7. Anonymous2:01 AM GMT-5

    Can't you tell Matt Tully, Mary Beth Schnieder and Jim Shella are Democrat operatives working for the mainstream media in this city.

  8. Anonymous4:19 AM GMT-5

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. When in doubt, resort to gross homophobic insults! Pitiful...

    Jocelyn has screamed that at me in public - now she uses it online. Shameless...

  10. Anonymous6:48 AM GMT-5

    Wilson Allen you have insulted African Americans too many times on these blogs. You are not an authorized spokesperson for my community through your association with Julia Carson and the Ghetto Mafia.

    Has the white community rejected you or somthing? I do believe you are confused and lack a healthy self identity. You are a nobody in the black community.

    One thing for sure, you are a stupid old gay man. Continue to speak for homosexual people but not my people. You can't, you are too pale and funky.

  11. Transgendering now, Jocelyn?

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM GMT-5

    If this Jocelyn-Wilson thing starts up again, I'm leaving.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM GMT-5

    Wrong again Wilson,

    Do you think you are the white slave master in Center Township. You are beginning to bother me with your comments about my people and how they vote.

    Back off! I don't know what your problem is with Ms. Tandy, but it appears you have issues with her. She is entitled to her opinions just like you. To my knowledge she is a Republican now, and in fact she is president of the African American Republican Council.

    I think you need to stick to your homosexual advocacy, and stay out of the black community. Everyone is not as understanding of your intentions as the corrupt people you associate with. All black people are not criminals or corrupt.

    I do believe the Ghetto Mafia has hired you to harass her because she is one of the few AA who did not join the club while she was a former Democrat.

    For your information, we scratch in November, while the Democrats promote straight Party ticket voting. Reason why the city has so many lacky officeholders elected. Say it isn't so.

  14. Jocelyn is posting under another of her myriad of fake names. Why?

    Anyways, Jocelyn Tandy knows full well that according to the former Republican County Clerk, Republican voters are just as likely to vote straight ticket as Democrats: about 10%

  15. btw, expect "Brian" to make an appearance soon -- that's another of Jocelyn's many pseudonyms...

  16. Anonymous8:31 AM GMT-5

    Once again Wilson has hijacked a thread on this blog. It's starting to get real old.

  17. Anonymous8:42 AM GMT-5

    Wrong again Wilson

    Brian is Brian. You need to stop tryng to identify the people who are commenting on this blog. usually you are wrong.

    Don't have a nervous breakdown blaming her for what is deemed common knowledge. The voter have awaken.

  18. Anonymous8:52 AM GMT-5

    Meeting notice:

    African American Republicn Council
    meets the first Thursday of each month at the Glendale Public Library Community Room from 6:30 - 8:00 PM.

    New members are encouraged to attend. Vote Republican this November!

    Jocelyn-Tandy Adande
    AARC President

  19. Anonymous8:54 AM GMT-5

    Note to Wilson;

    I don't need a mouthpiece.

    excuse the typos

  20. Anonymous9:16 AM GMT-5

    Wilson some of us know Brian.

    He can speak for himself.

  21. Anonymous9:18 AM GMT-5

    So Wilson, has Andre canned you yet? I hear it's in the works.
    Can you say, thanks democrat party leaders?

  22. By Andre having Wilson in his election group PROVES he is as big an idiot as his senile grandmother, Julia.

  23. Anonymous2:20 PM GMT-5

    I'm thinking maybe we can evaluate Andre on his own merits, or lack thereof. I don't need anyone schilling for him, and his grandmama telling me for whom to vote. I'm anxious to hear his views.

    His faith, as widely cussed and discussed on these blogs, concerns me not one iota.

    I did get a chuckle out of African American Republican Council. Officially sanctioned GOP group? I'm betting you could hold that meeting in a phone booth. I know Jocelyn. Like Wilson, she has almost zero credibility.

    Crazy Larry attend?

  24. Anonymous5:50 PM GMT-5

    "Crazy Larry attend?"

    Larry's a funny guy. Can't help but like him.

  25. Anonymous8:05 PM GMT-5

    No offense to anybody, but I doubt anyone knows me. The only one that would, would be Gary, because I have sent an email or two. And Wilson, I am not Jocelyn. My name is Brian. Ask Gary to confirm my IP address.

    You are just pissed because I outted you on your property tax problems, and what you were doing at the Center Township Trustees office while employed there. Remember: DUV- Democrats United for Victory. You know, your address as the mailing address for the PAC. Julia Carson was the Chairman, Carl Drummer the Treasurer.

    And lest we forget, the daytime contact phone number listed for Julia and Carl was the Center Township Trustees Office. So, were you and your group taking phone calls and doing the business of DUV on the tax payers dime? Maybe. But, we'll probably never know.
    Your buddy,


  26. I don't get it. This thread is supposed to be about the Ballard-Peterson debate issue, and it devolves into a p*ssing match between Wilson and Jocelyn? Good God, how many blogs will they take over?

    The two of you children should just get your own, joint blog and make it like "Siskel and Ebert." You know, where each of you takes a side, gives stuff a thumbs up or thumbs down, etc.

    For the love of God, please let the rest of us have something ELSE to talk about because, truthfully, neither of you is that interesting.

