Thursday, August 02, 2007

Ballard Hits Peterson's Failure In War On Crime

GOP mayoral candidate Greg Ballard lashed out hard today against Mayor Peterson for failing in the war on crime. "Public safety should be Job One for the Mayor, but he seems more interested in getting his hands into our pockets than keeping thieves out of our homes. That isn't leadership." Ballard, in particular, took aim at the Mayor's feel good ads with Sheriff Frank Anderson claiming to be winning the war on crime.

"Crime has grown by leaps and bounds this summer while all the Mayor has done is raise our taxes and run slick 30-second TV ads that try to fool us into thinking that crime is down," Ballard said. "However, the jig is up, the Mayor's slick ads were contradicted by the front page of this past Sunday's Indianapolis Star. Crime is not down in this city. To the contrary, it will continue to be a major problem until major action is taken," Ballard continued.

What would Ballard do differently? "The mayor must take back control of the police force immediately and introduce smaller community based patrolling districts to help our cops to be proactive rather than reactive," Ballard said, in a pointed reference to Peterson's decision to give up control of the consolidated police department to Sheriff Anderson. "The mayor also needs to implement neighborhood watches in conjunction with community policing to stop the crime wave sweeping our city. We must all work together to solve this crisis," said Ballard.

Ballard cited several crime statistics showing crime on the rise in the city, including a 145% increase in carjackings, 33% increase in aggravated assaults and 3% increase in residential burglaries. Ballard drew attention to this past weekend's robbery of copper tubing from the Gleaner's Food Bank, which resulted in the loss of more than $400,000 worth of food for the needy, and the attempted mugging of NASCAR driver Steve Wallace as examples of the city's increasing crime.

On another note, AI hears the mayor's campaign returned to the field with a second poll this past week after taking an earlier poll just weeks earlier. Unlike his previous campaigns, Peterson's campaign has been playing their poll numbers very close to the vest since he won this year's May primary. Will Mike O'Connor be releasing these latest poll results?


  1. Probably about the same time the Marion County GOP releases theirs -- like I said, a straw poll at the Columbia Club or phone-ins to the Garrison Show doesn't count!

  2. I'm curious about that item Abdul plans to report on you, Wilson, when he returns from his vacation. Hope it doesn't give you too many sleepless nights.

  3. Anonymous5:01 PM GMT-5

    Way to go Ballard keep the coals hot.
    We know that BART LIES! Now Indy is taking stock. Folks who never paid attention to politics are keenly interested now.

    BART LIES! And Indy is feeling the effects.

  4. I'm totally unconcerned by Abdul's crack - like I told him, don't rely on 'sources' without eyebrows ...

  5. Anonymous5:23 PM GMT-5

    "I'm totally unconcerned by Abdul's crack - like I told him, don't rely on 'sources' without eyebrows ..."

    JT isn't the only one snooping for dirt on Wilson. If what I heard is true, Wilson should be concerned.

  6. By the way, is that Rev. Mmoja Ajabu behind Ballard? Is he a part of "The Ballard Team" now?

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM GMT-5

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  8. Anonymous5:50 PM GMT-5

    "By the way, is that Rev. Mmoja Ajabu behind Ballard? Is he a part of "The Ballard Team" now?"

    Yes and No. Ajabu is a Pastor at Light of the World Church. He's active in the Fair Tax issues. He's not a Ballard campaign worker and he hasn't expressed an opinion on who should be Mayor.
    If I were you I wouldn't bash a Pastor at a Center Township church, especially one connected with the African American community. Carson won’t like that.

  9. The only time I can recall being in Glendale was at the Bloggers Discussion last year with RiShawn, TDW and Eric ... I still have the photos. If there's some scandal about me at Glendale, I must be the last to know about it ... it's probably in the same category as this blog's triumphantly announced discovery that I was driving all over town picking up Kizer signs. (P.S. I dont drive and have never owned a car)

  10. Anonymous5:55 PM GMT-5

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  11. Anonymous6:00 PM GMT-5

    "P.S. I dont drive and have never owned a car)"

    White older Lincoln Towncar west bound on E 10th.

    Ring a bell Wilson?

    I know a friend’s cat was dying and had to get to the Vet fast. Right?

  12. By the way, isn't it funny how the anonymous nobodies around here are so easily distracted by me? Instead of discussing Ballard, those obsessives are dumping on Congresslady Carson or me. They dont want to help Ballard and the GOP to victory, they have personal agendas and grudges to settle.

    Focus on 2007, people! Being "The Sorest Losers of 2006" isn't going to help you win this year...

    But if you-all want to get distracted from serious and real politics, who am I say otherwise?

  13. Anonymous6:05 PM GMT-5

    Wilson is that Jim Schellinger over Ajabu left shoulder? Is he a part of "The Ballard Team" now?

    Schellinger knows that BART LIES too.

  14. Anonymous6:06 PM GMT-5

    That photo came from the teabagging of the canal.

  15. Anonymous6:10 PM GMT-5

    Did we hit a nerve Wilson?
    A seventy-year-old retired cop told me some stories about Carson. He knows her personally from the old days.

    My my, she was something.

    So Wilson, no denial on the

  16. Anonymous6:16 PM GMT-5

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  17. Anonymous6:22 PM GMT-5

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Why deny the Towncar? Its a total fabrication. You'll just change the story to a Coupe or a Mustang. No big deal.

    When you are anonymous, you can make up whatever stories you want. That's a problem on the Internet - discussion gets polluted by anonymous fabricators with unverifiable stories.

    Gary Welsh has an identity and a reputation to protect. He doesnt casually throw around invented stories he knows are false because it would reflect badly on him. Anonymous nobodies have no such constraint.

    By the way, Ms. Carson doesnt cash her paychecks. She has direct-deposit into the House Credit Union...

  19. Sorry Gary that your discussion thread on Greg Ballard is being trashed so badly...the anonytrolls just cant help themselves!

  20. Anonymous6:28 PM GMT-5

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  21. Me driving a Towncar? Most peculiar! Who would be following me? For what purpose? Considering such an event never happened, what sort of proof is offered? Legal affidavits by witnesses, sworn under penalty of perjury? I doubt it!

    Again, its odd that some folk are bringing their personal vendettas into a thread about Greg Ballard. You'd almost imagine it's a Democratic scheme to sidetrack any discussion of the political positions of the GOP candidates...

    By the way Gary, your blog is looking real classy by the constant allegations of illegal kickbacks to named public officials by anonymous commenters.

  22. Anonymous6:58 PM GMT-5

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  23. Anonymous7:25 PM GMT-5

    To the administrator: I apologize if my previous comment was deemed too offensive to be posted.

    To Wilson: you told me 2 months ago you have no idea where she did her banking or has ever done her banking? Hmmm, do you know where she cashed her paychecks before they invented direct deposit? Hmmm?

  24. I merely wrote her paychecks for a while at the Trustee's Office - I never thought to inquire where she might have cashed them. It wasn't really my business to be so snoopy, was it now?

  25. Anonymous7:36 PM GMT-5

    Gary I know its your blog and I know we went off topic. But allowing Wilson to post misinformation and insults is just as annoying to the rest of us.
    If you are going to remove the postings of others his nonsense should be removed also.

    By the way Wilson, you weren't the only one snooping during the last election.
    You are very comfortable behind the steering wheel of an automobile. You were seen by many.

  26. The problem I had with your comments is they implied serious criminal wrongdoing concerning the operation of the pea shake houses. The pea shakes were obviously illegal gambling establishments, but I don't know who all is involved in their operation, perhaps you do, but until the government names those individuals in its ongoing investigation, let's just leave the names of who is behind them out of it.

  27. I use my 'name' and stand by my verifiable statements. Others post anonymously to recklessly spread slander and libel. Pitiful.

    It demeans a serious political blog to be clogged up with such incessant obsessive personal vendettas by concealed and shadowy characters...

  28. Anonymous8:06 PM GMT-5

    I think it's safe to say why you say the peashakes "were" the pea shakes, in fact, "are."

  29. Either AI has a lot of profanity filled posts or he is on Wilson Allens side. A lot of "comment deleted", probably regarding Wilson. Censorship is a great thing, I do it on my blog, (when I post things)

    Want info about Ballard??
    He has idea that will help thins city instead of only his friends. Ballards numbers are climbing, Barts are falling.
    Who will win? I guess we'll know the answer to that in NOv. Until then, Bart is a target for criticism, just like Julia will be, just like Ballard, and all elected officials or candidates.
    Who gets shafted the most? The taxpayers.

    Your deleting comments is a good idea. It could save some trouble, but everyone knows that what gets posted on blogs is hear-say. Without PROOF, it is only opinion.
    I should post some pictures that I have, but out of respect for a certian office, (not the officeholder), I won't.

    And wilson, why don't you use your real name when posting on Indyu?

  30. I'm not taking anyone's side. I'm not got to allow folks to drop by and anonymously accuse individuals of committing criminal acts with nothing to back it up.

  31. Anonymous9:25 PM GMT-5

    "Either AI has a lot of profanity filled posts or he is on Wilson Allens side. A lot of "comment deleted", probably regarding Wilson."

    GaryJ, AI was within his rights. No profanity, AI isn't taking Wilson's side.
    Wilson is just a goof who started slinging mud and I and another slung it back. AI did as he stated.
    Wilson is use to hiding behind skirts (Jen at TDW) but Gary isn't protecting him here.

    So Wilson, is it Jim Schellinger over Ajabu left shoulder? Is he a part of "The Ballard Team" now?
    Come on, answer the question. I think he has seen the light and is endorsing Ballard by his presence.

  32. Anonymous9:30 PM GMT-5

    It ain't Schellinger.

  33. Anonymous9:34 PM GMT-5

    Looks like Schellinger to me, in need of a hair cut.

  34. Anonymous9:38 PM GMT-5

    He's standing where the candidates were waiting to speak. Maybe they didn‘t know who he was? Are you sure? I think its him.

  35. Anonymous9:59 PM GMT-5

    1) It ain't him.
    2) If he'd been there, he would have spoken.
    3) I'm not a fan (not an enemy either), but it ain't him.

  36. I tried to comment once at IndyU months ago but it didnt appear. I havent tried since. I skim though the headlines there maybe once a week but the comment threads are worse than the unmoderated IndyStar Talkback threads. Not worth reading...

  37. The topic of the thread is Mr. Ballard, but:

    Wilson, you were observed removing campaign signs last May. By more than one person at that school on E. 10th St.

    It was a stupid ploy, given that your lady won in a cakewalk. And some of the Democratic pollworkers you'd recruited turned you in. By the by, they're sick of your tactics.

    And, for the record, LOTW Church is in Washington Township. By about a mile. On Michigan Road.
    For about three years now.

    Its senior pastor, Tom Benjamin, is a Republican.

    Mr. Ballard has a bat's chance in hell of winning. But this press hit was free-something he needs a lot of. Kudos.

  38. It isn't Jim Schellinger. I saw Schellinger in Hoaglin's To Go a few weeks ago. He came in with his pretty little wife and some campaign goof, spoke to absolutely nobody in the place and sat with his back to everyone in the restaurant. He displayed no political skills at all. Nobody in the joint knew him, and he was making no effort to introduce himself to folks. He struck me as as an arrogrant wannabe who doesn't have a snowball in hell's chance of being elected governor.

  39. Anonymous6:00 AM GMT-5

    Gary, I've met him. He isn't arrogant. Just very politically naive. Seriously.

    He's made some good money and thinks the governor thing might be fun.

    Eerily reminiscent of Mitch in 04. Businessman, backed by party regulars, used to getting his own way when he makes a decision, etc.

    Yeah, Mitch had those years of Lugar and White House experience. But he was a neophyte in terms of Indiana gubernatorial campaigns, which are a far cry from a Senate run.

    And look what it's gotten us.

  40. Anonymous8:07 AM GMT-5

    "Mr. Ballard has a bat's chance in hell of winning. But this press hit was free-something he needs a lot of. Kudos."

    He didn't get a press hit. The Star didn't pick it up, neither did any of the TV stations. For the general public (those not on Ballard's email list or reading AI), he didn't get anything.

    If he starts proposing things, he'll get media, the same "Bart Lies"-type press releases aren't going to get him anywhere, and he'll have less than a bat's chance in hell...

  41. Anonymous8:31 AM GMT-5

    "If he starts proposing things, he'll get media"

    I read the original post. He did propose items: Having the Mayor (whoever wins) take back operational control of the police force and reduce district size.

    What he didin't do, and what his critics (Peterson supporters) complain he does not do, is propose detailed spending plans with tax revenue counted to the dime.

    That's what Peterson does, and it's why he is in trouble. He commits to spending future revenue on projects, an d when it doesn't materialze, he raises the income tax, or when he can get away with it, it gets added to property tax levies.

    I'd prefer Ballard's good ideas to Peterson's detailed spending plans any day.

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM GMT-5

    He (and many other anti-consolidation forces) have repeatedly banged the drum of Mayor-not-Sheriff control of the IMPD. He's hit the press with that over and over.

    I'm not a Peterson fan, and I don't really care if Ballard comes up with line-by-line plans, but he needs to come up with something and stand for it. It drives me nuts that he flip-flopped on the new police officers.

  43. Did Ballard flip flop. I saw him call for 300 new cops, but I don't think he wihdrew that call, even when he campaigned against the income tax hike. He just said we should pay for them with existing funds.

  44. Ballard mailed me one of his campaign pamphlets, and nowhere does he mention that he's a Republican! Is this man ashamed of the GOP? John Sweezy, where are you?

  45. In this era of George W Bush, wouldnt you be wise to duck the GOP label if you were running on the Republican ticket?

  46. Anonymous3:11 PM GMT-5

    Uh, 11:32, 1987 called, and they want their Republican domination back.

    Sweezy was a brilliant tactician. But many could've been equally saavy, if handed the keys to a politically dominant machine like Unigov created of the Republican County Committee.

    And for almost 40 years, they harvested that little scheme brilliantly. No nex taxes, to keep them in power. But also no investment in little things.

    Like a jail. And sewers. And police pensions.

    That machine produced folks like Tom Schneider, Jack Cottey and Joe McAtee. Cause, see, for every Lugar and Hudnut you crow about, there's a slimy manipulator like Cottey or Schneider workin the system, too.

    We get the government we deserve. Always.

  47. Anonymous5:34 PM GMT-5

    "In this era of George W Bush, wouldnt you be wise to duck the GOP label if you were running on the Republican ticket?"

    Wilson I'm on Ballard's E-mail list and mailing list. He isn't hiding the fact that he is republican. In Peterson's era of tax and spend, wouldn't you be wise to duck the Democrat label if you were running as a democrat?

    Bush is going to have very little influence on local city/county elections. Peterson's failure is going to be monumental.
