Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Abramoff Bombshell: Fingers 6-8 Democratic Senators

While much of the focus of the federal investigation of the corruption surrounding disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff has centered on Republican members of Congress, ABC News' Brian Ross is reporting that Abramoff has fingered as many as six to eight Democratic senators. Ross reports:

Sources close to the investigation say Abramoff has provided information on his dealings with and campaign contributions and gifts to "dozens of members of Congress and staff," including what Abramoff has reportedly described as "six to eight seriously corrupt Democratic senators."

There's still more bad news for Republicans too. Ross reports that Abramoff is fingering Karl Rove and other members of Bush' administration for "accepting things of value" in exchange for favors. Abramoff will be reporting to prison today at the Federal Correction Institute in Cumberland, Md., where Abramoff will be close to federal prosecutors working the case. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), the Senate Majority Leader-elect, has been the most closely tied Democratic senator to Abramoff because of his efforts on behalf of Indian tribes Abramoff represented. Reid accepted substantial campaign contributions from several of Abramoff's clients.

1 comment:

  1. So why is this just now coming out? ABC holds the Foley bombshell and drops it right before the election, and then turns out to be holding another bombshell (aimed at Democrats) and waits until after the elections? What is wrong with this picture?

    Do we know why ABC is just now releasing this story?
