Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Carson Aims At Dickerson, Hits Eugene Anderson

Rep. Julia Carson's drive-by political shooting of Republican Eric Dickerson with a 15-year-old police report alleging domestic violence missed Dickerson but hits Mayor Bart Peterson's Deputy assistant Mayor Eugene Anderson. While the administration was mum on Anderson's abrupt resignation from the Peterson administration, Abdul Hakim-Shabazz reports that an arrest of Anderson from the late 1990s for domestic violence may explain his sudden departure late last week. And there's more on this story over at Indy Undercover.

News of the arrest surfaced in the aftermath of Carson's false accusation to the Star editorial board that Dickerson "beat up his wife to a pulp." The Star was much more subtle in its reporting on Anderson's arrest than it was in its handling of the Carson accusation against Dickerson. This little item is hidden away in today's Metro/State section:

City officials on Tuesday declined to discuss the sudden resignation last week of an assistant deputy mayor for special projects.

Eugene N. Anderson, a former star tailback for Wabash College's undefeated 1982 football team, had served in Mayor Bart Peterson's administration since February 2002. His $70,000-per-year job focused on coordinating large events that involve city services, such as the NCAA basketball tournament, Indiana Black Expo's Summer Celebration and this weekend's Circle City Classic.

Anderson previously worked to bring neighborhood organizations, individual residents and city agencies together and solve problems with city services.

Anderson's supervisor, Deputy Mayor Steve Campbell, said he couldn't comment on a personnel matter.

Anderson's Sept. 28 resignation letter said he had mixed emotions about resigning and will be exploring new career opportunities. He could not be reached for comment.

Melina Kennedy worked side-by-side with Anderson in the mayor's office as a deputy mayor herself and has made a big issue of Carl Brizzi's alleged failure to adequately prosecute domestic violence cases. Have you heard anything from the Kennedy campaign about Anderson's departure. Have you seen any posts up at Taking Down Words with a police mug shot and police report for public consumption? Have you heard Rep. Carson express any outrage about Anderson's more recent arrest? I didn't think so.


  1. Anonymous8:06 AM GMT-5

    Take a Valium and calm down, Gary...

    Do you know all the past details of everyone with whom you've worked? Ever? The standards are admitedly much higher for a mayor's office than in the private sector, and maybe all involved learned a lesson here: ask the question. Deal with it if you get an answer you don't like.

    I'll grant you, the 25th floor should've known this, and when it was discovered, Mr. Anderson left.

    It's a reach to think that Julia's drive-by of ED contributed to the departure of Mr. Anderson.

    I'd want to see all the evidence regarding Mr. Anderson's legal entanglement...but if it is a conviction as reported, he should never have been employed on the 25th floor.

    Whyich, by the way, does not mean a person cnanot rehabilitate and work somewhere.

  2. Uner the U.S. Constitution, a Representative in Congress is a part of the lagislative branch of the Federal government. America was built on checks and balances with a lot of divided government power. Congresspeople rarely get involved in township zoning issues or city personnel issues.

    I'm sure Dickerson will be issuing some sort of news release about domestic violence and city affairs? Right? After all, he does know something about that topic!

  3. At least Eric Dickerson has a clue of what's going on here.

    Same cannot be said for Julia.

  4. Julia "does" get involved in city issues...The paper trial is long.

  5. Gary
    Seriously, you have credibility, but it's starting to crack. You are going way over board with this issue. Let it go

  6. ...fed up to here with Wilson's pot-shots.

  7. Anonymous3:16 PM GMT-5

    Wilson why don't you talk about Carson's domestic violence in her two marriages. You seem to know so much about other individuals personal business.

    You travel with her, and I am sure you know some of her dark secrets.

  8. Anonymous3:36 PM GMT-5

    Julia "does" get involved in city issues...The paper trial is long.

    Ahhh .. putting it THAT way yes .. ;-)

  9. I have never heard Ms. Carson mention nor heard any gossip about any domestic violence in her own marriages. She has written eloquently about how, as a child, she almost poured a pan of boiling water on the boyfriend who was hurting her own Mother. She has always been an advocate for women and children who have been abused. She does not take the issue of wife-beating so cavalierly as some here do!

  10. I agree with Anon 9:06 who asks AI to 'calm down'. The venom that's been spewed by a handful of people, most all of them anonymous -- and most who do identify themselves are people who've lost races to Carson, or have an axe to grind with her, toward and about Congresswoman Carson is vile and disgusting.

    It's so ugly that it's become painful to scan these posts. This blog is in danger of turning into a right-wing-nut-case-propaganda machine for anyone oppossed to Congresswoman Carson, or any other Democrat, or black candidate.

  11. or black candidate

    Excuse me? Last time I looked Eric Dickerson is black also. *looks at campaign website* yep he didn't do a Michael Jackson he's still black.

  12. Anonymous2:48 PM GMT-5

    You are absolutely right, Gary. Anyone who can take off their partisan glasses for just a second will see clearly the double standard of this situation. Where is the Star? Where is TDW (self-proclaimed women's rights advocate)? Where is Julia Carson?

    And how about this: How did Anderson get past the criminal background checks that are typical of high ranking positions like his? Has Peterson's administration skipped this step in its hiring practices? If so, maybe some more outside checking ought to be done. Or, did Peterson think it was okay to hire someone with such a background?

    You are right on, Gary. Only the blind partisans could be critical of your questions.

  13. We still haven't heard anything from Eric Dickerson about this city hall matter. He kicks off his campaign with a Township zoning issue - surely he's going to run hard-hitting TV commercials opposing wife-beaters in city hall?

    Why hasn't Eric spoken out? He is not unfamiliar with domestic violence arrests...
