Saturday, September 23, 2006

Team Carson

I'm providing in this post a list of the people on the payroll of Rep. Julia Carson (D), indicating their positions and respective salaries based upon the latest publicly available data.

Alfreda Carter, Staff Assistant ($30,266.64)
Kyle Chapman, Intern ($20,833.32)
Chad Chitwood, Press Secretary ($34,000)
Mya Clarkson, Legislative Aide ($40,666.64)
Jarnell Craig, District Director ($47,819.96)
Martha Doneghy, Legislative Director ($55,666.64)
Dani Dotson, Staff Assistant ($35,320)
Charles Ford, Jr., Staff Assistant ($11,640.00)
Adairius Gardner, Communications Director ($43,955.52)
Daniella Gratale, Legislative Assistant ($32,333.32)
Chris Goldfarb, Staff Assistant ($32,257,78)
John McNulty, Staff Assistant ($25,255.52)
Arati Nayak, Executive Assistant ($48,044.48)
Catherine Noe, Staff Assistant ($10,333.32)
Michael Snavely, Legislative Assistant ($48,044.48)
Clydonna Surrett, Staff Assistant ($30,266.64)
Hilary Swab, Staff Assistant ($32,466.64)
Sarg Visher, Chief of Staff ($85,333.32)
Sara Williams, Staff Assistant ($40,666.64)

A few of them seem to have a lot of time on their hands to troll the blogosphere and post comments on behalf of Rep. Carson's re-election campaign.


  1. You might be jumping to conclusions -- are the alleged IP addresses specifically from Carson's office or from the large block allocated to the US Congress? GOP Congressional offices might also be interested in this race in Indpls... Both Buyer and Burton represent parts of Marion County too!

    In any case, it's not illegal to be perusing the Internet on govt time or on breaks. Much research is done that way...

    You might try posting the staffers salaries of Burton and Buyer too...

  2. You're welcome to do that on your time Wilson.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM GMT-5

    Honestly, I expected some of those salaries to be higher.

    THat could be the lowest-paid COS and LD in the state.

    Not that is justifies campaign opp research web surfing on govt. time.

    Interesting job titles, too, dontcha think?

  4. Anonymous6:19 PM GMT-5

    It's facinating to see what Congressional staffers make -- especially Congresswoman Carson's staff. It's interesting to see that no one is making an exceptional salary, except for her chief of staff (to be expected I'd think).

    My guess is that any member of the U.S. Congress has a similarly sized and paid staff. These members have a great deal of responsibility to their consituents, and I'd think just responding to constituents' requests and appeals for help would take a lot of time.

    They also need assitance in doing their homework and gathering research on the various issues that come before them.

    It would be fun to see who pays their staff's better, the Republican members in our state, or the Democrats. :0) Maybe some staffers might want to switch!

  5. The salaries are low by congressional standards. You'll discover that Carson's chief of staff, Visher, is earning about half what Bayh's chief of staff Tom Sugar earns.

  6. Anonymous8:24 PM GMT-5

    I hear some are relatives. Any leads?

  7. Anonymous8:58 PM GMT-5

    What about Campaign Staff ? Isn't that available from her campaign expense reports ?

    I am not sure if I am reading this right ?

    By my calculations M. Lear will get $44K for the year paid as a campaign salary expense.

    On top of that M. Lear gets another
    $44K paid as an expense by the Democratic Party ?

    Lear, Melissa, Indianapolis, IN $3,678 1/4/2006 Salary


    Indiana Democratic Party, $3,678 2/7/2006 Pre-paid Salary Exp.-M. Lear

    Throw in health insurance and that probably puts her total compensation at $90+ K

    Nice gig to have.

  8. fwiw, none of the staffers are relatives of the Congresslady ...

  9. What was the point in publishing these names and then salaries?

  10. Uuhh, it's public information.

  11. Public information used for what, though?

  12. To make sure no ones steeeeeeaaaaaaaling.

  13. about all Ms. Carson's relatives being in prison shows what a bitter, twisted Jocelyn you've become Gary.

    Shame on you! That's reckless disregard for the truth...sorta like you claiming I was seen driving around stealing Kiser signs when I dont even ever drive...

  14. Ms. Carson's 2 grandsons who are law enforcement officers may not find your crack about prisons that amusing...

    I am still shocked at your shabby smear ...

  15. Anonymous6:38 AM GMT-5

    To find out whether I want one of the jobs once Dickerson wins the election.

    What kind of benifits do they get ?

  16. Anonymous6:40 AM GMT-5

    Advance Indiana:

    Thanks for the public information. Her supporters feel that their information is private, but it is open season on everyone else to be published.

    They work for the taxpayers!

  17. Anonymous7:59 AM GMT-5

    Wilson, are you trying to threaten Gary with that reference to the Carson grandsons who are law enforcement officers. Are those the two grandsons she got her political pal Gene Honeycutt to hire as excise police officers before he got caught getting lap dunces plus at Brad's Gold Club and canned by Gov. O'Bannon.

  18. Anonymous8:50 AM GMT-5

    Lets look at the other Dem. Congressmen friom Indiana.

    His Total Congressional Staff salary is $950,000. Carson's is $705,000.

    His Average Salary per employee is $50,000 and her is $37,000.

    If ALL Congresspeople get the same amount to run their offices - where did the difference go ?

  19. Anonymous9:09 AM GMT-5

    "Gene Honeycutt, the former superintendent of the Indiana excise police, agreed to plead guilty to two criminal charges following a six-month investigation. Honeycutt admitted he accepted free meals, drinks and sexual favors at two topless bars, but denied he gave those businesses special treatment in return."

    He was Julia's campaign manager during her first congressional campaign. The excise police chief job, even though he had no law enforcement experience, was his political reward. His first act in office was to hire two of Julia's grandsons as excise police officers.

  20. Anonymous9:35 AM GMT-5

    How much do members of congress recieve to run their offices? 9:50 brought up an interesting question-where does the difference go?

    This is somewhat off topic but where can we access the salaries of staffers at the state level (General Assembly)? They are not included in the Indystar public employee salary database. Aren't they all state employees?

  21. Every member in the House and the Senate gets an allotment (called a Members Representational Allowance in the House) which they can use to hire and pay staff, buy office supplies, lease office space in their home state or district, mail official documents, answer mail, travel back and forth between Washington and their home, and generally try to serve their constituents. The amount each office gets is based on a formula, but generally it's around $1 million. There are limits on how many people you can hire (18 permanent, 4 part time) and on how much you can pay people (max is $151,000). It varies from member to member, but most offices spend the most on staff salaries, then mail, then office rent, travel, supplies, etc.

    Members are expressly prohibited from using their taxpayer-financed office money for campaign activities, personal expenses, or primarily social activities. Members also can't accept support from private sources for their official duties (except for travel). However, members can do an extraordinary amount of official business that let them do campaign-like activities around election time. It's one of the advantages of being an incumbent.


  22. I made an interesting discovery. Rep. Carson has her district office in the Julia Carson Government Center, but the GSA does not have a record of any lease for that space. Is her office even paying rent to Center Township for the space?

  23. Excess money in a Congressional office account simply reverts to the Treasury...

    Interestingly enough, legally a Congressional office can accept 'free rent' from a local governmental entity. This isn't the case here though - I know there's a lease and rent is paid. GSA can be opaque sometimes - keep looking!

    Dickerson boasts about being from the ghetto his own bad self ... have you looked at arrest records back in Detroit of ED's various relatives? Or are you just Jocelynning here?

  24. Thanks for sharing with us Wilson that you went as far as Detroit to dig up dirt on Dickerson. I think when the truth finally comes out as to the extent you folks went to obtain dirt on Dickerson, some folks are going to have a lot of explaining to do.

  25. Wow! Are you saying there IS bad stuff about Eric Dickerson back in Detroit? What an admission! Share the gossip, please...

    fwiw, ED claims Detroit on his bio - no great sleuthing needed for that info ...

  26. Not hardly Wilson. You're getting pretty predictable now. You dropped references for months on this blog about Dickerson's admonisments to be nice and that he wouldn't "beat up" on his opponent--knowing all the while your lady was going to dump the 15-year-old report on the Star's desk accusing him of being a wife beater. Please continue to lay bear your ways.

  27. As a Democrat and Carson supporter, would you please shut up Wilson. Do you not understand that you are only doing more harm than good to Julia?

  28. Congressional staff/expense allowances are in part set up by a weighted system of questions.

    For instance, if Rep. Sodrel has more than Julia, it's likely because his distirct is wide and expansive. He likely has more than one office to serve his constituents.

    The 7th, by contrast, is easy to cross in 30 minutes' time. One office centrally-located serves constituents well.

  29. Anonymous2:42 PM GMT-5

    Does Julia still have Democrats United for Victory, the slush fund, er, ah, I mean PAC?

  30. DUV had been inactive since 1997. It was dissolved a year or two ago finally.

  31. Anonymous3:37 PM GMT-5

    The PAC exists, but I don't know her connection to it.. Affectionately called "Dove" by Dems for over two decades.

    It used to be funded by emmployees and a regular shake-down of black pastors. The cash was then used as "street money" the day before election day, and on the actual day, as well.

  32. DUV was created in 1990 and became inactive in 1997. It was simply what is called a "leadership PAC" which is all the fashion in DC nowadays ...

  33. Anonymous7:14 PM GMT-5

    I believe the shakedowns also include the peashake houses. Mafia member Constable Tony Duncan does the daily rounds/pickups.

    That's why he is seen often at the peashake houses.

  34. Anonymous6:46 AM GMT-5

    Anon 106PM - Wilson shut up? I love him!!!! Keep up the good work 46201
