Tuesday, August 01, 2006

One-Fourth of State's Voter Registration List Invalid

Secretary of State Todd Rokita's office reports that 1,018,000 postcards were returned after his office mailed out postcards to the state's 4.3 million registered voters. That represents 25% of the state's registered voters. His office is now sending a follow-up mailer to those addresses to confirm that the registered voter no longer lives at that address. If the follow-up postcard is also returned, then the registered voter will be placed on an inactive voter list. If the "inactive" voter votes in any of the next 3 elections, the voter will be returned to the active registered voter list. If not, the voter will be removed from the list of registered voters.

The statewide voter registration system (SVRS) had earlier identified 290,000 potential duplicate registrations when it went live earlier this year. The Secretary of State's office had predicted it would receive about 675,000 returned post cards intead of the more than 1 million it received. Indiana Democrats initially balked at the statewide mailing, but relented after the Justice Department signed off on the plan to purge invalid registrations from the list. As many as 70,000 additional postcards were returned to the state but after the July 21 deadline. The Secretary of State's office says those voters, however, cannot be removed until 2010 due to the "delays in getting [the Democrat Party] to sign off on the cleanup plan."


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM GMT-5

    Well, we can all certainly breathe easier now that the cards went out. The mailmen accurately delivered all the cards, or returned them, because mail errors never occur.

    And the Bush Justice Dept. ruled in favor of the action.

    I will sleep easier tonight.

  2. I love it.

    The Democrat fraud machine is finally coming down. It's like watching Mount Doom crumble at the end of the Lord of the Rings.

  3. Funny.. you actually think the Democratic Party of Indiana is so well organized as to have been able to pull off voter fraud of this magnitude? Hey, this isn't Chicago, ya know!

    It would be more likely that people have moved -- BRAIN DRAIN or loss of jobs or moving for education -- or simply didn't know they had to return the card to be legit.

    By the way, can anyone reference the last time a case of voter fraud was actually brought to court in Indiana?

  4. Most cases of fraud occur in heavily Democratic counties...in other words, in counties that are represented by a Democrat prosecutor.

    There have been numerous instances of Democrat prosecutors refusing to file charges despite a preponderance of evidence that fraud has occurred.

    See Lake County and Vanderburgh County in particular.

  5. Anonymous4:04 PM GMT-5

    Interesting post, 12:56...perpetuating more of the Rokita mantra, little of which is borne out by truth.

    The original question was pertinent: How many cases of voter fraud have been brought to light?

    Where it occurs, in reality or in urban legend, is less important than the answer to the question. If it occurs anywhere, it should be prosecuted.

    Rokita went squirrel hunting with a torpedo barge. Massive overkill.

    It's not the Demo Fraud Machine. It's reality. Learn to recognize it.

  6. We should all be able to agree that removing invalid registrations from the voter rolls lessens opportunity for vote fraud to be committed. I thought there had in fact been some prosecutions for vote-related fraud in the last few years.

  7. Anonymous9:06 AM GMT-5

    Nice post this morning, AI, about the vote fraud situation. It actually proves a point.

    Fraud is caught. It is prosecuted, even in a Democratic stronghold like Lake County, when it's properly investigated.

    The statewide Rokita push wasn't needed. Its timing is highly suspicious. It depends too heavily on other delivery vehicles: namely, the USPS.

    I think Rokita is pandering, actually, and wrapping it in the flag of "vote protection." I wasn't aware the integrity of the vote was in question, or, if questioned, wasn't being prosecuted.

    Purging duplicates is a function that could be accomplished now by a simple merge program at the county level. But no, Mr. Rokita fel tthe need to spend millions and pander.
