Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Could Someone Tell Kiser The Election Is Today?

A field correspondent reports in that you can look far and wide throughout the 7th District today and you won't find any Kris Kiser for Congress yard signs. Our observant correspondent tells us that Kiser's campaign has stacks and stacks of yard signs sitting in his headquarters as we write just waiting to be put to use. Did someone forget the election is today? Or were there simply no takers for the signs?

UPDATE: A caller identifying himself as Rick Sutton, Kiser's campaign manager, tells AI Editor Gary R. Welsh that Kiser yard signs were widely distributed throughout the district by volunteers, and that they had sign coverage near all of the 800 plus precincts in the district, at least until last night's storm and the handy work of Carson supporters came into play. Sutton alleges that Carson supporter Wilson Allen, a well-known gay activist, was caught in the act of destroying a Kiser campaign sign near a precinct at a middle school on E. 10th Street earlier today. Assuming the allegations are true, these sorts of actions on the part of Carson's supporters are entirely unnecessary. Carson can easily claim victory without her supporters resorting to dirty tricks.


  1. With East Tenth Street being the route between headquarters and home for Kiser, a few have appeared on that street.
    Recall he only asked for 6 challenger cards for Election Day - that indicates his volunteer list must be teensy. Maybe that Wachovia line-of-credit from D.C. is running too low to pay for workers ("consultants") ?

  2. yesterday or the day before i drove by some building, i think on north college, with a number of yard signs in front, including two kiser signs and one julia carson sign. but it's possible someone has taken those down.

  3. okay, the building on college with two kiser signs out front is the american legion outpost at 64th and college. they also have a carson sign and a dickerson sign, so that doesn't mean too much. i think the building is actually a polling place, but i'm not positive.

    also, i spotted two more kiser signs outside my polling place, which is on the fairgrounds (meaning you cannot see the signs unless you enter the fairgrounds).

    still, it's very telling that i can only think of two places where i've seen kiser yard signs, and neither one is a private residence.

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM GMT-5

    He's probably already back "home" in DC!!

  5. Anonymous5:47 PM GMT-5

    The Kiser guys seem to have more conspiracy theories than either George Bush or Dick Cheney. Their "explaination" still doesn't explain why they still have tons of yardsigns at their headquarters.

  6. Anonymous5:52 PM GMT-5

    There you have it... Kiser, himself, is by nature a conspiracy theorist, meaning he's always unwilling to take responsiblity for himself

  7. Anonymous6:17 PM GMT-5

    I certainly hope Kiser can sell all that surplus campaign material to a recycler. He'll need the cash to pay back that big bank loan he took out to self-finance his catastrophic ego trip.
