Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Buy Bayh

Indiana Daily Insight picks up on a recent articles in the Village Voice and Washington Post reporting on how members of Congress use their spouses to advance their political careers, which spotlight Sen. Evan Bayh’s wife, Susan. She’s proven to be quite a cash cow for the Bayh family according to the report.

The Post writes about Bayh:

On the Democratic side of the aisle, Indiana senator Evan Bayh's wife, Susan, is a law professor who serves on several corporate boards, including Curis Inc., a therapeutic-drug development company; Dendreon Corporation, a therapeutic-drug development company; Dyax Corp., a biopharmaceutical company; Emmis Communications, a big media company; and Wellpoint Inc., a Blue Cross and Blue Shield company. Before that, Susan Bayh was a director of Cubist Pharmaceuticals Inc., from 2000 to 2004, and Esperion Therapeutics Inc., a biopharmaceutical company, from 2000 to 2003. From 1994 to 2004, she was a distinguished visiting professor at the College of Business Administration at Butler University in Indianapolis, Indiana. From 1994 to 2000, she was a commissioner for the International Joint Commission of the Water Treaty Act between the United States and Canada. From 1989 to 1994, Susan Bayh was an attorney in the pharmaceutical division of Eli Lilly and Company. Evan Bayh has voted on a variety of health issues in support of the Medicare drug benefits, backed allowing drugs to be imported from Canada, and supported the rights of patients to sue HMOs for punitive damages. In 2003 the American Public Health Association gave him a 75 percent rating. While the finance industry was a major contributor of campaign funds for Bayh, in terms of individual companies, Eli Lilly, where his wife had worked, was the second-largest contributor with $54,022 last year. All told, taking into account Bayh's senatorial campaigns and, before that, his campaigns for governor, Lilly (the largest pharmaceutical company in Indiana) has been his second largest contributor since 1999.

Sen. Hillary Clinton’s campaign is no doubt pleased by the unwanted attention focused on Sen. Bayh and his wife. She expects him to be a leading contender for the Democratic presidential nomination which she intends to win in 2008.

1 comment:

  1. I've been following Bayh for a while and I think his Presidential dreams may be fading, he's lost his money man, he doesn't appear in any major polls. Looks like the boy will end up a VP nom at best. The man is droll and bland, no hutzpuh I believe it is. Anyway, good to see an Indy gov blog, I'll bookmark. Good luck and get'm
