A Roll Call story says a poll taken by National Research, Inc. on behalf of Indiana Jobs Now, a pro-Hollingsworth SuperPAC, finds Hollingsworth leading the field of candidates with 28% of the vote. Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller trails far behind in second with 16% of the vote. State Sen. Erin Houchin and State Sen. Brent Waltz are in a virtual dead heat for third spot with 9% and 8% of the vote, respectively. Robert Hall is in fourth place with just 3% of the vote.
Given the fact that the previously unknown 32-year old multi-millionaire businessman didn't move to Indiana and become a resident of Jeffersonville, Indiana until last September, the huge media buy of ads taken out by his campaign and Indiana Jobs Now must be generating favorable perceptions of his candidacy. Roll Call's Simone Pathe spoke to residents of Jeffersonville about Hollingsworth and quickly figured out that most people have never met him and only know him from his campaign ads.
Roll Call notes that 9th District Republican leader Jamey Noel made a request of Hollingsworth to sign a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party since he had never cast a vote in a Republican primary either in Indiana or his home state of Tennessee. Hollingsworth insists it's only his political opponents raising concern about his ties to Indiana. Zoeller has called him a "political scam artist" and Houchin has accused his family of being behind the SuperPAC running ads in support of his campaign and attacking his opponents, particularly Zoeller, who is characterized as a career politician who is soft on immigration.
Hollingsworth told Pathe he had no idea who was behind the funding of Indiana Jobs Now. When asked about the poll taken on behalf of the SuperPAC, he said he had not heard about it. Hollingsworth says his first order of business if elected to Congress will be to enact term limits as part of his plan of "getting insiders out" of Congress.
I hate carpetbaggers. I hated it when Coats came riding in from North Carolina retirement to save Indiana by finagling a Senate seat. And I don't like it that a rich boy can move in from Tennessee and end up an Indiana Congressman because Daddy can pay for unlimited tv ads. But you know what I hate more than carpetbaggers. Gregg Zoeller. I hope he loses this election and never imposes himself upon Indiana again. And let me just say that I have reason to hate Gregg Zoeller. I am a successful businessman who has more than a little experience with the man. He isn't qualified or fit to represent us. Sometimes there is a politician, or a Judge, that is so ineffective that ordinary businessmen must speak out. It was that way with Greg Bowes, the worst property tax assessor the State of Indiana ever had. His horrible tenure in that office produced backlogs years long of people forced to appeal his horrible assessments. This, to me, is the type of politician our current Attorney General is. A fool, pursuing every wrong agenda, costing us money to chase morally questionable objectives. So much as I hate carpetbaggers, you go for it Hollingsworth, I may even donate to your campaign.
Of course he'll win 9th district, Never ever under estimate the ignorance of Indiana voters.
You are correct Anon 1:48. If RINO John Boehner establishment sweetheart attorney Susan Brooks, married to just as establishment GOP hachet attorney David Brooks could be elected to Indiana's 5th Congressional (and one day David Brooks' machinations WILL come to light how he engineer that), Hoosier voters a just damn stupid and will believe ANYTHING a Democrat or "Republican" will them them.
My God, Republicans actually corronated establshment RINO and wood log Mike Pence~!!
PS "establishment"= CORRUPT
How is this any different than Hillary winning a Senate seat from New York? Why were the people of New York so stupid to elect her? She should have moved back to and run from Arkansas.
Hollingsworth is going to win only because many people are too lazy to research his history.
"his first order of business if elected to Congress will be to enact term limits" - MY ASS!
One more word about disgraced State Attorneys General while we're on the topic of Greg Zoeller. I'm just now reading that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil fraud charges against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton today. According to federal regulators, the state's top prosecutor allegedly recruited investors for a high-tech startup without disclosing his financial stake in promoting the company. Paxton is also already under felony criminal indictment for allegations that he defrauded the company's investors in 2011—charges for which he pleaded not guilty.
this isn't the first time Indiana voters elected someone who didn't even live in indiana.
Don't forget the lobbyist from virginia who is soon to be retiring.
Pish on all this fake outrage. Evan Bayh was not exactly "from Indiana" was he?
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