There are people in this country who are truly discriminated against because of their sex, race, religion, orientation, etc., but when someone, particularly an elected official, makes up a lie to make themselves out to be a victim of discrimination, that person needs to be called out in the harshest of terms. Houston's controversial lesbian mayor, Annise Parker, has earned the public's indignation. Parker and her spouse, Kathy Hubbard, have an adopted daughter. When her daughter had difficulty getting a driver's license, Mayor Parker took to Twitter to lay blame on the fact that her daughter has two mommies.
It turns out the difficulty Parker's daughter had in getting a driver's license had nothing to do with the sexual orientation of her parents; rather, the daughter simply failed to present the documents required to establish her residence in Texas like any other driver's license applicant must do. A spokesman for Texas' Department of Public Safety, Tom Vinger, set the record straight.
All individuals applying for their first Texas driver license must provide a variety of documents to prove their identity, Social Security Number, U.S. citizenship or lawful presence status, and Texas residency. In this case, the adult applicant did not initially present sufficient documentation to prove residency. Once she provided the required documentation, she was able to complete the transaction. There is no indication that any delay in the process was related to same-sex marriage.”
Is this the same mayor who was sending subpoenas for pastors' sermons in a clear demonstration of chilling free speech?
She did not personally order those subpoenas issued, but people who support her efforts to stifle the free exercise of religion did.
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