Sen. Richard Lugar is doing more than just helping Rep. Jon Elrod raise money for his 7th District special election race against Democrat Andre Carson. He's also lending organizational support from his own well-owed campaign committee. Brian Howey of the Howey Political Report says that Lugar will be providing the Elrod campaign an added boost in winning absentee voters. "I will write a letter to those voters and ask them to request an absentee ballot," Lugar told Howey. "We will follow up with phone calls." "Lugar said with the election just a month away, Elrod could use the additional organizational help," Howey writes. "Lugar said many GOP voters are not aware of the coming race due to its timing, following the death of U.S. Rep. Julia Carson." "Lugar said he had breakfast with Elrod after the Republican upset State Rep. Ed Mahern in 2006." "I’m very excited about Jon Elrod’s candidacy," Lugar said. "He faces a very uphill struggle. I think he’s an excellent candidate."
Advance Indiana is very pleased that Sen. Lugar is getting involved in Elrod's candidacy. This race is just too important for party leaders not to be doing all they can to ensure an Elrod victory. It also appears the Indiana Republican Party may be doing more to help Elrod. In addition to providing space for its campaign at party headquarters, the state party is giving the maximum contribution it can make to Elrod's campaign--$5,000. The NRCC may be taking more of an interest in this race as well. If you would like to help out the Elrod campaign, it's still not too late to RSVP for a neighborhood fundraiser for Elrod at the Lockerbie Glove Company this coming Tuesday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Click here to RSVP. A minimum $50 contribution is requested.
Advance Indiana is very pleased that Sen. Lugar is getting involved in Elrod's candidacy. This race is just too important for party leaders not to be doing all they can to ensure an Elrod victory. It also appears the Indiana Republican Party may be doing more to help Elrod. In addition to providing space for its campaign at party headquarters, the state party is giving the maximum contribution it can make to Elrod's campaign--$5,000. The NRCC may be taking more of an interest in this race as well. If you would like to help out the Elrod campaign, it's still not too late to RSVP for a neighborhood fundraiser for Elrod at the Lockerbie Glove Company this coming Tuesday from 5:30-7:00 p.m. Click here to RSVP. A minimum $50 contribution is requested.
About time Lugar did something for the locals. He has a long way to go before I would support him again.
I sent Elrod some money just like I did Ballard. Come on folks, put your money where your mouth is. I am sure he will appreciate any help.
Speaking of Andre Carson...
I like Fox 59's Julie Loncich. She is a hot reporter!
Last night, however, I think I found out who she really is.
She did a piece on the 7th District race, and at least 2/3 of the time it was about Carson, including showing most of his commercial two different times.
Elrod barely got an honorable mention in her segment.
Since Andre is a sexist, he clearly demonstrated that at a rececnt local meeting, anon 848 I thought it quite funny the way you started your post!
"Speaking of Andre Carson...
I like Fox 59's Julie Loncich. She is a hot reporter!"
I bet Andre IS saying the same about her.
Bayh doing more for Carson:
from the Howey Report
Bayh is a joke. The only reason he is helping Andre is because of the coat-tailing riding they both did, or are wanting to do, on their relatives names.
You can hear the conversation now:
EB: I can tell you how to maximize your last name, I did it with Bayn, you can do it with Carson.
AC: Oh yeah, that's good, that's good...any hot women I can oogle?
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