Thursday, February 28, 2008

FEC Reports Confirm Carson Is Bought

"We need leaders who aren't bought and paid for," said Andre Carson earlier this month when addressing campaign supporters. In a campaign that is less than 60 days old, Carson has accepted more than $375,000 in campaign contributions to date, almost 70% of which came from out-of-state special interest groups according to his latest filings with the FEC. The DCCC has paid for more than $100,000 in paid media advertising for Carson. During that same period, his GOP opponent Jon Elrod collected $71,000, with 93% of that amount coming from individuals living in the district or within state. At the end of the reporting period, Carson had on-hand $152,000 compared to the $46,000 Elrod reported.


Wilson46201 said...

Be fair and balanced! There are THREE candidates in the Special Election on March 11th. Where's the info on the Libertarian?

Gary R. Welsh said...

I would if there was something to report. I pulled up no filngs with the FEC for Sean Shepard when I performed a search.

Gary R. Welsh said...

What happened to that contribution from the Pakistani PAC, Wilson. Did Erin decide to return that contribution?

Anonymous said...

Sexist Andre is a liar, speaking out of both sides of his mouth. I am not surprised by the TRUTH.

Anonymous said...

Elrod raised more than $150,000 for his state rep. race mostly from state party and Republican House coffers now running for congress he has only raised this much. If state party, or Marion County party believed in Elrod his numbers should be 3 to 4 times as much.

Zappatista said...

PLEASE....this is the is NOT naptown exclusive..WE (yes, you and you and you) are bought and sold every day. Choice is a matter of others opinion, not mine or yours. it is sad world we live in.

Marti said...

LOL. Gary, ya kinda remind me of Hillary these days. As defeat looms closer and closer, you grasp for larger and larger straws, hoping that one of them will stick.

It's amusing to watch you spin.

Carson is raising money, that's what successful candidates do. The Democratic Party obviously LIKES Andre and thinks the seat is important to keep. It seems the Republican Party in Indiana and across the country ain't too fond of Mr. Elrod, and they're pretty sure he that he's more likely to sell Popsicles in hell, than win this election.

Anonymous said...

I've saved all the mail I've gotten from Andre.

Eleven pieces in the last 16 days.

Three of them duplicated. All of them large post cards, full-color. And the ad copy if amazingly simple. Which is easy to understand, considering this guy's resume is equally thin.

They're so damned scared they're just throwing stupid oney at this Mar. 11 election. It's crazy.

Anonymous said...

Wilson must think this is the Fox news blog ?

Anonymous said...

This could be seen as a measure of support for the candidacy of Andre Carson...he is, after all, the most qualified to represent the citizens of the 7th Congressional District. The is a RCCC also...let them put their money where their mouths are.

Anonymous said...

There was a horrible negative attack ad against Elrod on WIBC at around 6:40 this morning. No shame I guess.

Anonymous said...

6:41: "most qualified" ?

You're kidding, right?

Again: you can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.

Anonymous said...

Andre wants a better future for his daughter. That must be why he wants to take her out of state to grow up in DC?

Still scratching my head how being in congress will make for better schools and a safer community.

Do we really need better schools when anyone can graduate 88 or 89 and still get a job with their degree?

Anonymous said...

"Do we really need better schools when anyone can graduate 88 or 89 and still get a job with their degree"

Now let's be accurate here. Andre's 88 of 89 ranking was in police academy. I think even Carey Mahoney ranked higher than 88th of 89. Begs to ask whatever because of the 89th?

Andre's degrees came in the mail.

Anonymous said...

I was in the Devon area yesterday researcing a story on architect Avriel Shull and ran into several young white Carson workers canvassing the district with arms full of Carson material. Time was around 3 pm.
They appeared to be paid workers and certainly weren't from the neighborhood according to some homeowners.

Wilson46201 said...

In the interest of full disclosure, it should be mentioned that Gary Welsh personally contributed $1000 to the Jonathon Elrod campaign.

Anonymous said...

I can weigh in a little on the Libertarian...he's running a grass roots campaign and certainly has not accepted big interest money.

There's a nice fundraiser for him tonight. I'm not sure if there is room left for more reservations or not. If you want to go, you need an RSVP

Details at

Anonymous said...

"Carson is raising money, that's what successful candidates do."


Anonymous said...

If canvassing an area with workers who are not from the area and filling your mail box with written campaign material is the worst you can come up with against Andre Carson, then I guess he's in good shape!
It appears that the green-eyed monster has invaded the Elrod camp because his fund raising efforts have not been as successful as Andre's.
[To those of you who think it's a crime to raise out-of-state money, I would like to hear your thoughts on Your Man Mitch's campaign coffers.]

Anonymous said...

To Wilson46201:

I'm a democrat and you embarrass me. I've seen you post on here and on indystar and you always sound like an idiot. Who are you paid by?


Wilson46201 said...

Brian lies. I never use this name at the IndyStar. You are hallucinating.

fwiw, I'm retired and get no pay for my postings.

Anonymous said...

Brian 11:38:

Allow me to answer your question.
Wilson 46201 doesn't actually exist in human form. It is a computer programmed to spout the MC Democrat Party line whenever required, and if that pre-programmed answer isn't germane to the topic, to produce a non-sequitur. In every case, it is programmed to attack. It is also very unique in that it is programmed never to be logical or make any sense whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Wilson46201 said..."In the interest of full disclosure, it should be mentioned that Gary Welsh personally contributed $1000 to the Jonathon Elrod campaign."

The computer named Wilson46201 produces another non-sequitur.

MissouriDemocrat said...

Funny Howard Dean wants my money, but not my advise. When I told them I'd no longer give them money for supporting inept candidates like Andre they didn't have the courtesy to at least try and change my mind. Oh well, I am better off spending the money myself than letting them toss it in the wind.

Anonymous said...

Wilson - 12:01 pm

I didn't mean to lie. I guess I've seen you on Indyundercover last fall or on other political blogs. The point is, you are obviously so entrenched in the Center Township mafia that you spew only what they tell you. You always avoid the issue, you comeback with name calling, and you embarrass me as a fellow democrat. Unfortunately I can't vote in the special election as I live on the NE side in Dan Burton's district. However, I have persuaded several friends in the 7th that Carson is NOT the answer. Please explain his qualifications and experience, what about those degrees from less than stellar (or accredited) universities? Help me understand your bitterness.


p.s. Thankfully I'm open minded enough to vote for the best person, not the party. Maybe you should look into it.

Anonymous said...

Brian is open minded enough to vote for the best person, not the party, he says. Yet, his "friends" are gullible enough to allow him to tell them whom they should vote for instead of making up their own minds.
I seriously doubt that Brian has any friends. If you don't live in the 7th district than why do you care? Threatening the votes of your imaginary friends is laughable.
If you are really an independent thinker, why aren't you focusing your venom toward defeating Dan Burton? Now THERE's an embarrassing guy! You should keep your nose out of the 7th distric and worry about your won district's problem congressman.

Anonymous said...

Hey Susie! I own a business in the 7th but get no voice because I live in the 4th...

The election in the 7th is a big deal to those of us who employ people and own businesses in the 7th!

If you weren't so dang self riteous, you should have considered the possibility that people outside the 7th are also affected by the actions of the 7th leadership.

Just for giggles...what did Julia and the Carson's do for business owners in the 7th for the last ten years....I will wait for your answer...I am inclined to believe I will be waiting for awhile...

Maybe your mouthpiece Jen and her mentor Wilson Allen can oblige us all with their skewed enlightenment!

Anonymous said...

Susie wrote:
"If you don't live in the 7th district than why do you care?"

Because a representative represents not just that district, but all of Indiana.

Decisions by the person who is elected from the 7th District affect everyone, not just those in the 7th. That's why I care.