Sunday, April 08, 2007

Burton, Buyer, Carson & Pence Register Worst Attendance Records

If you were absent from work more than ten percent of the time without an excused absence, chances are your boss is going to fire you. Four of Indiana's nine members of Congress have managed to do that this year. "Reps. Steve Buyer, Julia Carson, Dan Burton and Mike Pence are among the 27 House members who have missed 11 percent or more of the 212 votes taken before the House adjourned for its spring break," the Star's Maureen Groppe reports.

Rep. Steve Buyer and Rep. Mike Pence had a legitimate excuse for their missed votes. Buyer was absent 35% of the time due to a skiing accident due to surgery and physical therapy. Rep. Pence missed 11% of the votes, which happened when he was absent for three days while his wife was having surgery.

Rep. Burton was also absent 11% of the time, but he missed most of those while attending a celebrity golf outing in Palm Springs. Rep. Carson was absent 15% of the time due to "difficulty getting back to Washington after the weekend." "Carson said in the Congressional Record she missed a series of votes in March 'due to air traffic delays.'"


  1. One of the long-time perks of congresscritters is the free use of Walter Reed Hospital facilities. Steve Buyer last session was Chair of the Veterans Committee -- was he aware of the difficulties that the premier U.S. military hospital was facing? Did he think the Monticello, Indiana, medical system was better? He did hobble his way to the Super Bowl...

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM GMT-5

    Pence doesn't need to be wasting his time in Congress. With his incredible grasp of foreign affairs, he should be over at the White House, helping to plan strategy and discussing the possibility of a presidential bid.
    How can Americans fail to see the value of electing such a Biblical visionary to our highest office, especially one who also has the triumph of US corporate leaders so deeply embedded within his value system?

  3. "triumph of US corporate leaders" ???

    Pence always has the interests of small Indiana farmers in mind --- why, he was even thinking of them constantly as he strolled in his bulletproof vest surrounded by 100 soldiers and covered by 5 helicopters in the secured bazaar of Bagdhad. Just like a summertime Indiana Farmers Market!

  4. Perhaps Julia Carson needs better staff members to plan her flights. Maybe take an earlier flight? Other members of Congress seem to make it.

  5. Airline schedules are getting more unstable --- what makes Carson's travel travails interesting is that she is on the House Transportation Committee that will be overseeing that industry more carefully ...

  6. Anonymous4:05 PM GMT-5, WIlson, waht makes her travels interesting is that she honestly thinks we buy the "airline schedule" thing.

    Indianapolis-to-DC flights have actually remained exactly the same since 1996. I take them regularly.

    If she's ill, which I suspect, she needs to notify the Sgt.-at-Arms of such. It is a legitimate excuse.

    Unless you're dodging those pesky health rumors in your district.

    This kind of attendance record is not acceptable, absent health reasons.

  7. Anonymous6:28 PM GMT-5

    Why do none of the other Indiana Congress members report the same problems ? Does Julia travel home TOO often ? Why dosen't she schedule her time to get back BEFORE that weeks session starts ?

    Maybe she should stay home permently and let someone else go in her place who can actually attend on a more regular basis ?

  8. It's not her attendance that really bothers Julia Carson's critics: it's her stellar progressive voting record on issues. Most naysayers and whiners simply want another "loyal Bushie" to rubber-stamp GOP Administration policies...

  9. Anonymous7:14 PM GMT-5

    Another blog has posted that Carson carries wads of $100.00 dollar bills.
    She must come home every week to collect the pay offs from the pea shakes.

    What's your cut Wilson?

  10. Anonymous7:16 PM GMT-5

    Interesting . . .

    On 1/24 she made 5 votes in the morning at 12:04 p.m. , 12:15 p.m. , 12:26 p.m. , 12:47 p.m. and 1:10 p.m. for a Motion to Adjourn that got voted down. I gues she decided to leave anyway and missed the 2 votes after that= at 1:29 p.m. and 3:07 p.m.


    She missed 2 votes on 2/5 including a vote on Supporting the Goals and Ideals of National Black Hiv/Aids Awareness Day


    On 2/27 she made time for the 3 votes that day - missed 3 votes on 2/28 at 1:14 p.m. , 1:23 p.m. and 1:33 p.m. BUT she made it back that same day to vote 3 times starting at 2:04 p.m.

    Did she fly home and back in 24 hours ?


    She missed 3 votes on 3/19 but made it on 3/20 for 7 votes.


    On 3/23 she missed a vote at 9:42 a.m. but made a vote at 12:43 p.m.

    Did she over sleep that morning ?


    She missed 15 votes on 3/26 and 3/27 but made it in for votes on the 28th and 29th.

    But the FIRST vote on the 26th did not take place until 6:54 p.m. ! were the Indy and DC airports closed ALL Day that day ?

  11. Anonymous7:16 PM GMT-5

    "that really bothers Julia Carson's critics: it's her stellar progressive voting record on issues."

    I never knew that stellar and asleep were the same.

    Good job Julia.

  12. Anonymous7:21 PM GMT-5

    7:16 Julia had to step out for a few errands.
    Capitol Liquor won't deliver to the Capital.

  13. Anonymous7:55 PM GMT-5

    OK. I'm confused. I don't think that any of these "representatives" deserve a pass on their voting records, but from readingin thses comments, apparently, only Carson is at fault for hers while you give the rest a pass? How does that make sense to you?

  14. Paula: that's because this blog is notorious being being a virulently anti-Julia blog --- her detractors know they can post the most extreme and outlandish stuff here and be applauded for fearless opposition to the so-called "Ghetto Mafia."

    The GLBT-issues voting record of the others is reprehensible and gawdawful but that merely proves to many anonymous nobodies here those congresscritters virtue and godliness.

    The main point is to hammer Congresslady Carson with whatever vile slander that can be imagined while hiding behind anonymity. Most are leftovers from the losing Dickerson campaign --- knowledgeable observers call them "The Sorest Losers of 2006".

  15. Anonymous8:24 PM GMT-5

    1. anon 716 - excellent job! Even Wilson who loves the facts can't dispute that.

    2. people all over the country are laughing at Pence's comments - some of the retorts are *priceless*.

    3. The same standards must apply to all.

  16. Anonymous8:55 PM GMT-5

    I feel bad for ANY ONE who has a congress member with a bad attendence record. It just so happens that Julia Carson is MY Representative - so she is the one I care most about. Anyone else is more than able to post info about any other congress member.

  17. The congresscritter with the very worst attendance record in modern history belongs to Indiana's own Conservative Hero: David MacIntosh. When he was running his unsuccessful campaign for Governor against Frank O'Bannon, he ditched almost all House participation and ended up with 25% for the year. Now that's really bad!

  18. "Knowledgeable observers"
    Passing yourself as knowledgeable Wilson?
    Funny how you can't disprove the comments.

    Those who know Carson from the old years have some interesting remembrances.

    Spousal abuser?

    The list goes on. Wilson knows the entire dirty list but won't confirm. Wilson won't deign he just conveniently changes subject.

  19. gusrjetq“The GLBT-issues voting record of the others is reprehensible and gawdawful”

    So Carson’s record on gay issues exonerates her for her terrible voting record?
    We can do better. This is a big district and not all are Gay. Carson represents the entire 7th district and not just the GLBT voters.

  20. Anonymous5:14 AM GMT-5

    "So Carson’s record on gay issues exonerates her for her terrible voting record?
    We can do better. This is a big district and not all are Gay. Carson represents the entire 7th district and not just the GLBT voters."

    When it comes to people like Carson, they represent themselves and their ilk. This is why Wilson always is around defending her. Wilson benefits from having a hack like Carson in power.

  21. Anonymous5:51 AM GMT-5

    Julia isn't a hack, by any means.

    None of the absentee Congresscritters deserves a pass.

    And bringing up McIntosh is a smokescreen. So is the airport travel excuse.

    Whether you or I agree with their votes, we elect these people to be there and vote for us. Some votes are impossible to make--there are the occasional schedule snafus.

    But Ms. Carson leads our delegation in absentees.

    And it likely won't get much better.

    It would be nice to hear an official excuse from her. But don't count on one that makes sense.

    Remember the little girl she was seeking last fall?

  22. Anonymous7:09 AM GMT-5

    LOL!!! The little girl who sat in Julia's lap and was eating food from her plate!!! Thank you for making me laugh this cold April morning. I had forgotten about that.

  23. Anonymous7:47 AM GMT-5

    The more votes Burton misses, the safer the rest of us are. When's the next golf tournament? Shouldn't there be a couple more coming up before summer? I'd even be willing in to throw in a couple of bucks for entry fees, if that's what it takes to keep him away from the House floor.

  24. Nothing more to say Wilson?
    Cat got your tongue?
    Julia got your tongue?
    I remember her snapping "Wilson stop that!!!" and the look on your face Wilson, I wish I had my camera. You had the look of a disgruntled child.

  25. On National Public Radio's "Wait, wait, don't tell me" quiz show on Saturday, 4/7, the host asked the panelists, "Indiana Rep. Mike Pence said it was just like walking around an open-air market in the summer in Indiana. Where was he?" The answer: Bagdad. The panelists then started joking, asking which district in Indiana has car bombs, shootings, etc.; then Tom Bodett said, "The only open-air market in Indiana is a Safeway with the roof torn off."

  26. Good old IndyErnie --- always quick there with the snide personal insult about other commenters... what a way to poison the discussion! Another rotten egg from the Fat Yellow Chicken.

    Yes, the bright flash from my professional camera equipment irritates her eyes after many nearby flashes. She and I have been having that back-and-forth for some time now. I still keep taking pictures and she still invites me to take pictures of her ...

  27. "what a way to poison the discussion"

    Poison the discussion? Wilson I merely asked if you had any other comments.
    Or did Julia shut you up again?

  28. well, she and I had five phone conversations this morning ranging from Tudor war financing to Grambling...

  29. Anonymous4:25 PM GMT-5

    I am glad she has time to talk to you - but very little time left for the people in her district.

  30. "well, she and I had five phone conversations this morning ranging from Tudor war financing to Grambling..."

    Well aren't we so special?

    It figures she would be on the phone with your sorry ass instead of taking care of Government business.
    What other Congressperson going to get advice from a nutcase on a city bus? Only Carson.
    Wilson do us a favor leave Carson alone, she needs her sleep. Then she needs to return to Washington on time. Your phone calls will only make her miss her flight, again.
    “Gambling”? Is she going to run past the pea shakes and pick up her cut?
    Now we know why Carson misses so many votes, she on the phone five times a day with Wilson and checking out the daily deposit at the shake houses..

  31. Anonymous6:00 PM GMT-5

    I used to care more what Dan Burton did. . . when he was my congressperson. I kept voting against him to no avail. Then we got redistricting and now I have Julia Carson. When she votes, she usually votes the way I want her to but that's just it. I need her to be there for the votes. I sometimes wonder if she knows what she is voting for. Someone please help her with her scheduling or retire and let someone that can do the job run and get elected. I hope it will be someone (Repub or Dem) that does not have a scandalous past and someone we can be proud to represent us. This would exclude any of Julia's cronies.

  32. Isn't it odd that the most scabrous and slanderous comments about Julia Carson are made by anonymous nobodies? Decent folk would be ashamed to say such ugly things in public using their own names...

  33. Anonymous6:41 PM GMT-5

    I really try to understand Wilson when he comments on Carson.
    I’ve come to this conclusion.
    Having a normal informative serous idea exchange with Wilson is like shitting in a thimble.
    No matter how hard a person tries it just can't be done.

  34. Anonymous8:22 PM GMT-5

    Uh, Ernie, he said GRambling, not GAmbling. There is a difference.

    And the whole thimble thing, while perhaps representative, is a tad disgusting.

    Julia's voting record (missed votes) is disappointing, but hardly a surprise. Prediction: it will get worse. Much, much worse.
