Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hotline On NRCC's Surprise Ad Buy For Souder

Apparently the National Republican Congressional Committee has a lot of money to waste. The NRCC made an independent expenditure against Rep. Mark Souder's Democratic opponent, Tom Hayhurst, in the amount of $72,000. Hayhurst doesn't have a snowball in hell's chance of beating Souder. Hotline reports:

In its latest independent expenditure filing, the NRCC just bought ad time on behalf of Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN 03) after conducting a poll in the district last week. The buy totals over $72,000 -- a relatively small amount. The Democrats have a self-funding candidate running, Ft. Wayne City Councilman Tom Hayhurst. But it's a solidly GOP district -- Pres. Bush won here with 68% in 2004, and Souder has won over 60% every cycle since 1998.

Outside Ohio, Indiana's provided the roughest state environment for the Republicans. Gov. Mitch Daniels' unpopularity (because of privatizing the Indiana Toll Road, implementing Daylight Savings' time) has made the re-election bids of Reps. Chris Chocola (R-IN 02), John Hostettler (R-IN 08) and Mike Sodrel (R-IN 09) very precarious. Could that same environment make Souder's re-election more challenging than he once expected?

The NRCC also made an additional $157,043.80 independent expenditure against Brad Ellsworth (D) on behalf of Rep. John Hostettler (R). That brings the NRCC's total expenditures on behalf of Hostettler to $1,830,891.64. If the folks at the NRCC had half a brain, they would dump $100,000 into the 7th District race against Carson on behalf of Dickerson, and save the money they're wasting in the Hostettler and Souder races.

Rep. Mike Sodrel (R) will get a second presidential visit of the year when President Bush joins him on Saturday in Sellersburg. Some might consider that a risky move given Bush's low approval numbers as of late, but Sodrel seems to think that Bush is still relatively popular in his district.

On another note, Hotline is reporting that the New Jersey Supreme Court will issue its long-awaited same-sex marriage decision tomorrow. After the New York and Washington court decisions earlier this year, it would be a real shocker if the New Jersey court sided with the same-sex marriage proponents.


  1. I believe there's only 5 House races in the country where the GOP is trying a pickup from a Democrat. Incumbency protection is the general DC rule for both parties.

    The GOP has given Indianapolis a full court press only three times. McVeigh's candidacy in '02 was professionally well done but he's a born staffer, not a leader. Ms. Carson has had massive amounts of GOP money thrown at her but the mountains of mud didnt stick. The voters re-elected Julia Carson like they will again in 2006 !

    Why do E.D.'s supporters await for handouts from national Republicans? Why doesn't E.D. put his own $100,000 into the race? Where's the good old "party of personal responsibility'?

  2. Wilson believe what you want. The money has been offered and as always it came with strings attached, Dickerson turned it down. This is a grassroot effort, and when Eric Dickerson wins he will owe nothing to any GOP party. Unlike Carson he will vote his constituency.

  3. Rep. Mike Sodrel (R) will get a second presidential visit of the year when President Bush joins him on Saturday in Sellersburg. Some might consider that a risky move given Bush's low approval numbers as of late, but Sodrel seems to think that Bush is still relatively popular in his district.

    Curious as to who is propping up whom there .. Mike Sodrel helping out President Bush or President Bush helping out Mike Sodrel?

    With Louisville just 11 miles away I'm certain lots of Bluegrass folks will come over to see GWB.

    And the DCCC ads accusing Sodrel of "pork barrel spending" .. yes he's on the transportation committee getting things from the feds for Indianapolis that Julia Carson should be bringing home instead. But noooooo, she lounges around in her sweats and tennis shoes on the house floor and looks at Congress as her "retirement plan".

    Only thing here that needs retirement is Julia Carson herself.

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM GMT-5

    For once, Wilson raises some good questions.

  5. Anonymous5:09 AM GMT-5


    Exactly, what are your credentials?

  6. Anonymous5:25 AM GMT-5


    Our e-mail is down this morning. Could you give us a call at 7:05 on the studio line. 228-1430. Thanks.


  7. Anonymous6:02 AM GMT-5

    Wilson - How much has Julia Spent in media and advertising since the primary ? It is one thing to say she has a large war chest - $300K - but it is another for her to actually spend it on things like radio or TV. She is either banking that cash or spending it on OFFICE OVERHEAD like rent and salary - which has really seemed to help her keep her 20 point lead.

  8. Isn't it kinda silly that an allegedly anonymous commenter should ask about MY credentials? It's the sort of stupid question that only a Jocelyn would ask !

  9. Anonymous7:20 AM GMT-5

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous2:30 PM GMT-5

    The partisan sniping does not help to advance the cause of equal rights. Unless my memory fails me, HRC claims credit for the recent passage of the bill containing pension rights for GLBT folk. Do you think they did that by speaking only to liberal Democrats?

    I have no tally for Indy Pride, but not only did E.D. come to Indiana Black Pride (Julia is our god mother), but Carl Brizzi, Melina Kennedy, Donna Edgar (a true friend) were there as well as others. Jackie Nytes was out of town, but went last year, taking Steve Tally. David Orentlicher and Scott Keller are everywhere (I know). More and more politicians are realizing that the GLBT community matters and they are making overtures. We need to remember those who stood up when it was not popular, but the struggle will be over only when all mainstream candidates agree on equal right for all. (In case you are math challenged, that means all Republicans as well as the numerous Democrats who are hostile, spineless, or confused.)
